

Surprise photos

I was pleasantly surprised to open my e-mail yesterday afternoon and find a message from Kerri in Elbasan with several never-before-seen photos of Reni! They are from a lady who visited the orphange four different times over the past year to love on the babies. She graciously agreed to share and Kerri extracted them from a Power Point presentation for us. If you've ever adopted, you know how precious each and every image of your child is, especially those from the time before you even knew their name or face...

(Above), Reni with Duzi, a special woman we'll never ever be able to repay...
(Below) Reni is in the yellow bumblebee sleeper. I believe that's Helena (adopted in July to a couple in Vlora) up in the pink.

(Above) Reni is in the red walker and Helena is behind him in the yellow walker.

It's funny how we now know those expressions and faces. Yep, that's our Reni!


Jan said...

What a wonderful surprise! His hair lightened up, but otherwise he hasn't changed much - he's been cute from the start!

Nina & Wes said...

How AMAZING!!! What a perfect gift. SO awesome!

Unknown said...

i love and miss you guys SOOOOOOOOOO much. glad i could find some precious treasures for you! I printed photos for the orphanage of Reni over the last few months, especially of him trying his new legs. they were in tears of Joy. In fact sister Rosetta was so overwhelmed she had to leave the room and lean on a wall for support as she looked at the rest. i pray God's richest blessings over you all as a family.

Doreen Nixon said...

What a wonderful surprise - am so glad Kerri was able to get these photos for you. God Bless you all

Aunt Ruth said...

God blessed Reni with loving persons from the very start. What a treasure these photos are for you. Reni's in a new chapter of his life now and God is with him "every step" of the way. He choose the very right parents to have Reni as their own.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a treasure these pictures are!! Isn't God good!! Thank you, Kerri, for the pictures and also for sharing current pictures of Reni with the Sisters and Caregivers. We are all so thrilled that they are able to share our joy and watch as Reni grows!
We thank God for the wonderful love and care they provided for our Reni!

Dad and Mom Waggoner

Anonymous said...

Nathan & Cydil,
Great pictures of Reni. They are so precious and you can immediately pick him out. God is good!
Sharon E.