

Worth the Wait

Ellie was a trooper, staying up WAY past her bedtime, anxious to see her Daddy and new brother. We were so grateful for the friends and family who also joined us to welcome our boys home. We were also a bit surprised when an airport personnel member started preparing to close up the airport, seemingly unaware that one more flight was still making its way to Lexington. There was no listing of the flight on any of the monitors. Yeah, it was that late.

I'm afraid we might have been a bit overwhelming to the 16 other passengers on their flight, descending the escalator. The airport was vacant save a few cleaning staff members and a few rental car agents.

Ellie practically shouted "Daddy!" when she finall saw Nathan. It was very emotional for me to hear her sincerity and intensity. It was followed by, "You brought David Reni home!"

Reni was a bit dazed and confused at first.

As is typical, Ellie was so excited she didn't know how to express herself.

Pardon the yellow caution tape -- it was so late, they were waiting for us to leave so they could wax the floors.

Ellie said, "Daddy, you were on the computer and now you're here!"

(below) Aunt Ruth

(below) Uncle Jack -- what a treat that they came from Muncie to welcome Reni home. It was quite appropriate though as they came to Cincinnati for Ellie's airport homecoming arrival in 2006.

Meredith (a member of our cabinet), documented everything on video

Reni, getting to know Mark -- yeah, you're gonna like this guy

Reni meets Faith, who we are thrilled to have walk with us as we work with the team at Shriners Hospital

Kristen is checking out Reni -- who shares a birthday with her own little girl, Emily!
We can't wait for those two to meet!


Our awesome documentarians, Wes and Nina, who are waiting to hear of their own bundle of joy from Ethiopia. I hope we can return the favor soon!
By the way, if you like their shirts, they have those awesome adoption-themed graphic tees on sale on their blog!

All photos courtesy of Nina Mullins Photography


Diana Neel said...

Great pictures! God bless you and your new addition!

Aunt Ruth said...

What a joyous meeting and welcome home!! So very glad to be a part of it. Nathan and Cydil, God has blessed you with 2 very special angels of His. Love and Prayers,

Nina & Wes said...

Woohoo! So glad they turned out! :) What a privilege it was to be there yesterday. I got pretty teary-eyed (which I tried to hide)just seeing God's heart fleshed out right in front of us, and knowing that the same will happen for us soon. Wow, it's like making a million home runs, free throws, goals, touch downs, times a million. What an amazing miracle adoption is. So so beautiful.

bug seth tua pip said...

Wish we could've been there! Can't wait until we meet Reni. Great photos.
You can see the joy of everyone there, despite the lateness of the evening. We will have to skype soon.

Anonymous said...

So glad your adoption is complete. It has been great following ya'll through this process.

Tina Lewis

Stacy Salvatori said...

So precious!! I'm crying tears of joy for that little boy!! What a true blessing for him to be brought into such a home full of love!!! God is good!! So happy for you guys!!

Rebecca W said...

crying as I go through the pictures of last night! Soooo excited to grab up lil Reni in Oct! Love Aunt Rebecca.

Doreen Nixon said...

Loved the photos - it was as if I was there with you all - it so awesome seeing God in action - seeing answered prayers and knowing that God has had his hand on David Reni right from his birth - and it is specially great to have met you all through your blog and to have followed his adoption process - may God continue to Bless you all and to Bless the work you are doing for Him not only in your family but in your ministery as well. Be Blessed - I hope we will continue to see news Ellie and David as they grow up.

Jan said...

Yipee! He's home! So happy for your whole family. Great pictures and very well documented. Thanks for letting me follow your journey!
Welcome Home Reni!

Melissa and Bob said...

God is so good, I am so happy for all of you! It's just awesome to see him home!

BuckeyeNP said...

congrats!!! I've been following for a long, long time. I was at a homecoming of our friends who adopted from Ethiopia and I will never forget that night as long as I live (they were both coming home with TWO boys and reuniting with their bio daughter and tons of family/friends).
Congrats congrats!!! :) such joy!!

Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

So beautiful!! God is so good!!!! Love seeing you together as a family at home.

Amy said...

YAY! So glad everyone is home. I cried when I heard Ellie shouting, "Daddy! You brought Reni!" Love it!

Anonymous said...

So great to see all the pictures and the video. Our hearts are rejoicing with you! What a picture of God's love! Can't wait to see Ellie and Reni in September. We will be in Wilmore for a few days with Paul, Cheryl and family. Uncle Ken and Aunt Elaine

Jackie said...

Tears of JOY!