

Quick note from Tirana

Sorry I didn't get the chance to write some more of what God is teaching me through these adoptions. Today has been busy between church and preparing to leave tomorrow for Elbasan.

The pastor this morning used Romans 8:1-17 for his text. The last 5 verses or so is where Paul talks about our adoption as sons and our calling God "Abba Father." Those verses weren't the focus of his message, but as you can imagine, my mind camped out there for a while and I will have to admit wandered across the mountains to Elbasan and Reni more than once. If everything goes smoothly on Thursday, next Sunday, David Reni will be sitting in my lap for church! I would love for his first church service as a Waggoner to be in the Albanian language. My mind imagined proud Aunt Vera showing him off to her friends! Pray for our court paperwork to be completed on Thursday, not just so my imaginations about next Sunday would come true, but also because there are still more hoops to jump through between our getting custody and getting his US VISA to come home, and we need all the time we can get to make those appointments happen.

This afternoon was spent Skyping with Cydil and Ellie and getting the apartment ready for a one-year old! The coffee table is moved to the side of the room to give as much safe floor space as possible. I am afraid that the VHS tapes may be too interesting to ignore, but we will just wait and see. I went to Albania's knock-off of McDonalds - Kolonat for supper and ate a 10" pizza for $2.oo I had to sneak the picture below because there is a 'no cameras' sign on the front door. I have a feeling they are afraid of a lawsuit. You can see the outside of one of Tirana's Kolonats on someones flicker account if you (click here). (I could have copied and pasted it, but he listed it as copyrighted, so even though it is a picture of someone else breaking a trademark, I thought I better just link to it) Maybe later I will have enough nerve to take a picture of the front door of the one I visited today. To the left of the 'no smoking' ' no pets' and 'no cameras' sign is written "open 24 hours." Just below that is another sign that says hours 9:00-24:00. You can get a Heniken with your burger if you want. As well as 'chicken chicken' which I think were chicken nuggets of some sort, but I wasn't brave enough to try. The pizza wasn't bad, unfortunately since I was eating alone, the company left something to be desired. :-)

I am anxious to hold Reni again! Thankfully I am feeling 100% right now. Thanks for your prayers! Pray for Cydil and Ellie as they enjoy the last two days of summer together. Wednesday is Elisona's first day of Kindergarten! Tomorrow (Monday) her teacher is coming to our house for a visit to help Ellie in her transition. I don't know if that is normal for Kindergarten teachers, but we are thankful for Ellie's school!

More pictures of David Reni tomorrow! - Good night from Albania!


Aunt Ruth said...

We will pray for a safe trip for Nathan to Elbasan tomorrow. Give Reni big hugs from us. Ellie we are so proud of you! You are a "big" girl now--starting Kindergarten!! Our prayers are with you in this new adventure.

Doreen said...

We continue to pray for you all - and for the processing of all the papers for David Reni. Also praying for Ellie's first day at school - sounds like she is going to have a very special teacher - someone who takes time to help her with the transition is really special. Nathan when in Elbasan have a look quite near the icecream shop in the main street is a McDonalds! Please don't eat there but the sign will be a good addition to your collection.