

Wednesday update for Elbasan

I am writing this from an internet cafe about a half mile from my hotel. The internet has been out all day, so in order to find out about Ellie's first day of school, I made the trek. I can't figure out this keyboard though, so there won't be quotation marks and maybe some other punctuations. I also have a few short videos to post, but they will have to wait until the internet is back at the Hotel Univers - that is really how it is spelled, it is not a typo.

I learned today that Reni's passport won't be done until Friday, so that is the earliest I will be able to take Reni. We are still hopeful that the court papers will be done tomorrow, so if you could pray at 1:00 pm our time - 7:00 am EST that is when Sister Rosita and I will be going to the courthouse to request the papers.

This morning I tried to calculate my expected expenses while here in Elbasan, and decided that I needed to exchange some more money. My Albanian is limited enough that trying to tell the taxi driver to deviate at all from the expected is difficult, so I thought it would be a good excuse to take a walk with Reni after arriving at the orphanage. This time my camera was charged so you can see how cute he looks in his hat. We definitely drew stares on our walk! I think most of the stares were because of Reni's face and the distinctive hat, or maybe the handsome American pushing the stroller. But at least one stare involved his lack of legs. It was so hot that I stopped at a little grocery store to buy a cold water to share, and the lady wouldn't let me pay, telling me it was a gift for the boy. I thanked her and as I turned to leave, I heard her say Shume Kech to her coworker. Very Bad. I think it is the fist act of pity, but we enjoyed the free water!

Reni was asleep by the time we got back to the orphanage. We may need to remember this trick!

Our friend Karri has a special bond with a little girl named Luchia. Luchia has several major facial deformaties, but she seems to be very social. I thought her playing with Karri's hand was precious, so I snapped this picture and the close-up below.

We had heard about Karri's favorite souflachi place before, but today she and a friend from South Africa offered to show it to me. It was a hot walk, but the food was good, and we all three ate our fill for less than $10!

This afternoon went quickly. Reni wanted to be held almost the whole time. The kids and caregivers know his departure is near, and they all want to love on him! I think the kids especially are a little overwhelming to him, and I am tall enough to lift him out of the fray. The hotel is all decked out for a celebration of some sort tonight, so I hope I can sleep through it! Two more sleeps as Ellie would say...


Aunt Ruth said...

Just remember what Ditz announced to "passer bys" yesterday--with great pride--she said,"He's going to America to get his legs!"

We continue to pray for the final signing of the adoption papers and the passport.

Melissa said...

I love the photo of the hands. Very precious. Sending our best thoughts to you on the paperwork going through. Soon you'll be home.

I was looking through some of your blog and didn't seem to see anything about it. You don't have to say but I was wondering if you knew anything about why David Reni has no legs. I think he is adorable anyway but I was wondering. I did see mention about doctors worrying that something else might be wrong. I pray they are wrong. Just wondering.

NCWaggoner said...

Melissa, the consensus of the doctors we have showed his information to is that Reni is a product of Amniotic Band Syndrome (ABS). Basically his birth-mother's amniotic fluid was too dry causing netting that ties itself around extremities and cuts off their growth. It affects every child differently from the loss of one finger to facial deformities. For Reni, it caught his lower legs and a partially caught the last three fingers on his left hand. His apparent health in other areas seems to confirm this 'diagnosis' but we will be doing a battery of tests when he gets to the USA just to be sure there aren't other issues to be concerned about.

Thanks for following the blog!

Anonymous said...

Reni is so cute in his hat! Did you say this is a gift from Aunt Hannah? Is the heat still unbearable?

We continue to pray, and will be doing so at 7:00 tomorrow morning.
Be encouraged, each day brings you and Reni closer to coming home!

Our love and prayers,
Dad and Mom

Doreen Nixon said...

Yay the Souvlaki shop is open again - Kerri will certainly be glad she loves it there - so glad she took you there we enjoyed it as well. Thanks for the photo of her with Lucia and the hands so sweet - we continue to pray for Lucia - and of course Reni and the papers. Loved the pictures of him in his stroller with his hat on.