

VISA - You don't leave Albania without it.

Today was our official VISA appointment at the US Embassy here in Tirana. The proceedings were pretty uneventful except that Reni was very attracted to the microphone used to talk through the glass and whenever I was signing a paper, he would 'bang' it or grab it causing feedback in the speakers on the other end. The lady who was helping me said she didn't mind, but I am sure it got old after a while. I'm afraid that Reni could get away with a lot of annoying things because he is so cute, so please nobody tell him! (Feel free to tell Cydil, she enjoys hearing it!)

Last night Reni only got up once and that was for a change of diaper and a water bottle refill! I guess the busyness of yesterday knocked him out. For those of you wondering, the apricot baby food worked. Enough said.

This morning was a rather slow one because I knew we would be going out in the afternoon. After eating breakfast and bathing, we watched a little "Briton's Got Talent" on YouTube. OK I watched it as Reni devoured his first chocolate chip cookie.

He seemed rather proud of himself for finishing his cookie. I don't know why. I was able to finish 4 in the same amount of time!

Because I knew that taking a picture at the Embassy would be impossible, I snapped this one as we were waiting for our ride. I know the bib doesn't match, but it kept his outfit clean until we arrived.

He didn't sleep during his normal post-lunch nap time, but after the embassy, he was out. He fell asleep while I was Skyping with Cydil about our day, and I didn't want to wake him to change him into other clothes. I think I am going to publish this and try to wake him now. It would be a shame to ruin an improving nighttime track record with a misplaced nap don't you think? I plan to walk to the local pizza place for supper and then do a little grocery shopping. Tomorrow we will be getting ready for Gushi's arrival.


Cydil said...

Great title to the post! I like Reni's slick hair look! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Nathan, You continue to amaze me! So glad all looks in order for you trip home with Reni. What a happy day. Cydil, I am wondering how Ellie is doing in her second week of school? So happy you had the family reunion. How wonderful to be able to look back to this point and see God's hand all over it. We love you all and hope to see you the end of September when we come to KY. to visit with Paul and Cheryl and kids. Our love and prayer, Uncle Ken and Aunt Elaine

Aunt Ruth said...

We can't wait!! Did you actually
GET the visa or just make application?? (I know I'm dense, but there have been so many steps that it's easy for this elderly Aunt to get confused.) I think you got it, but I want to be sure!!
Glad the apricots worked--HA!

Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

So happy for you. Looks like you boys are doing pretty well on your own. So excited that you are so so so close now to being home together!