

Update on Reni's Paperwork/Timeline

I don't know where we'd be without Skype and cell phones! I was able to call Nathan this morning (my time, afternoon his time) and get a status report on Reni's documents. When I called he was standing in "line" (if you've been to Albania, you know what I mean here) at the police station to pick up Reni's passport.

Today was to be the day that the adoption decree would be released by the courts which would trigger the next stage of processes to bring David Reni home. Nathan and two Sisters appeared at the courthouse and waited while a gentleman sifted through a pile of papers to find their case. He found it and then proceeded to tell them that it hadn't been 15 days yet, only 14, and to come back Friday at 1PM to pick it up.

On one hand, we're relieved to know the documents are ready, but it's also frustrating because we can't figure out their counting method (maybe someone forgot there are 31 days in July?). Until the adoption decree is in hand, we cannot procure the birth certificate. Guess what time the birth certificate office closes? You guessed it: 1PM. The birth certificate is necessary to set up the all important embassy appointment for the travel visa.

Here is a revised timeline:

Friday afternoon
1.) pick up adoption decree from courthouse
2.) travel to notary's office to sign custody transfer documents from orphanage to the Waggoners
3.) say goodbyes at the orphanage and take Reni back to Tirana

1.) Agim travels to Elbasan to pick up birth certificate (morning)

From there it is a bit up in the air. Nathan will need to take Reni to the clinic for blood work and then meet with the embassy-approved doctor for the physical. When those are completed, they can appear for their appointment at the embassy to get the visa. My dad is traveling to Albania, arriving on Thursday, to accompany Nathan and Reni back to the States. They booked their return flights for Sunday the 22nd so they would have the maximim number of business days to process these last few steps. Nathan and Reni will be arriving at the Bluegrass Airport on Sunday, August 22 at 11:30PM if you want to see them! The end is in sight!

Oh! And yes! He got his passport today! Nathan says the photo is really cute. ;-)


Aunt Ruth said...

Cydil, thank you so much for the update! I try my best to keep all the dates and appointments correct in my mind. However, maybe it's my age, but it all gets confusing to me. I marvel at how you and Nathan have held up through all the changes in times etc. We all know God has picked Reni for your family and he IS coming home very SOON. All our love and prayers for all 4 of you.

Doreen Nixon said...

Thank you for the update - it is so typical of Albania though - and only if you have been there do you understand. But we need to keep in mind that God's hand is overseeing all of this and God's plans will not be thwarted so it will all come together and Nathan and Reni will fly home soon. Having followed a previous adoption of little Ryan Nikolai it is following pretty much the same pattern - frustrating but just the way it is over there! But in all things we give thanks to the Lord for His Love and Compassion and strength to uphold you and your family during this time of trial.