

Thursday in Elbasan

Cydil has already filled you in to the drama of today, so I won't reiterate, but above is the picture of a miracle! This passport is the reason I stayed and Reni will be coming home in August! All of the rest of the drama I am confident will work itself out. Tomorrow afternoon we have been assured that the court papers will be finished, so I plan on taking Reni back to Tirana tomorrow. Someone will have to make a trip back for the birthcertificate on Monday, but we left enough time before our scheduled flight back to Kentucky to take such delays into account.
David Reni has a cold of some sort and hasn't been sleeping or eating well. The sisters told me today that they felt he was ready to leave, and that is why he wasn't eating. Maybe, but I blame the heat! Either way, I am ready and excited to bring him to Tirana and spend 24/7 with him. I think the hardest thing about visiting him in the orphanage is that there is no privacy. The kids are all clamoring for attention, and the workers knowing he is leaving soon are anxious to love on him too. I wonder what he will do with quiet?
Below are a few videos from yesterday. The first is Reni looking to find what Daddy brought today. The other two are from our walk. One showing my view of the stroller, and the other the result of the walk. Enjoy!


Aunt Ruth said...

Nathan,Thank you for the videos. We love all 4 of you and our prayers are with you!! The passport is a neat picture of Reni--of course it would have to be since he is so good looking!!

Amy said...

ok, the view from the stroller made me motion sick, but I love the hat!

Melissa and Bob said...

Wonderful news! And a one day delay, not bad, not bad at all :)

Rebecca W said...

so excited! countdown of the days... praying for all the steps in between!