

Swingin' Fun

We tidied up the garage yesterday afternoon in anticipation of today's big picnic for the freshmen class in our backyard. Finishing early, we had a little fun waiting for Ellie's bus to bring her home from school. This little guy is SO photogenic. These are the best three of over 20 smiling photos! I hope I don't "ruin" him, but he's just too much fun to photograph!
Last night he slept from 8 until 10, then 10 until 2, and didn't wake up again until 5:30. Whew! MUCH better than the previous two nights! Thank you to those who were praying!


Anonymous said...

Your little guy is too cute for words! Glad things are going well.

Jan said...

Praise the Lord for sleep!
Between your photography skills and his smile - you just can't beat it. Adorable!

Anonymous said...

Precious pictures!! So thankful for better sleep last night for all of you.

Reni just looks so content and happy What a blessing!!


Aunt Ruth said...

We rejoice with you over Reni's good night. It will keep getting better as he settles into his forever home. How blessed you are to have him and how blessed he is to have YOU BOTH as his parents--and Ellie as his Big Sister.
Praying for a good school day for our sweet Ellie. Love ans Prayers, Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth

Corrie said...

He is so cute! If you need hand-me-downs when he gets a little bigger, let me know! I'm sure you are receiving lots of wonderful gifts right now, but he looks like he's just a few sizes smaller than our youngest. And by the way, ours were never good sleepers until they turned about one, so I can definitely identify. :) You'll make it!