

Saying Goodbyes

Always the hardest part of any trip like this is saying goodbye to the people and places you love. I know one of Cydil's regrets for this trip was not being able to say goodbye to the workers and caregivers at Reni's orphanage with my malaria relapse forcing us to cut our time in Elbasan short. Thankfully I will be back on Monday and will have a week to express our gratitude.

Yesterday afternoon we had to say goodbye to Kerri as she traveled back to Elbasan. Cydil, Ellie and I stopped for coffee one last time together at the Fame coffee bar where we had rested several times earlier this trip with Gigi, Nonna and Pappa, Teza Vera, and Kerri. From there we visited Vera's shop to say goodbye and went to dinner with Fredi to do the same.

This morning we said our hardest goodbyes as Cydil and Ellie headed back to Kentucky while I stayed here in Albania. Pray specifically today for Cydil and Ellie as they travel. They have a couple of long layovers and of course some long flights. Els did great coming, and was excited to get started this morning, but Cydil has a lot to handle on her own today! Thankfully, our friend Jan is going to pick them up in Washington DC and take them back to her place for the layover there.

There will be 18 days before we will be together again. During those days in Kentucky, Cydil's Whiteford family reunion will come to Wilmore, Elisona will start Kindergarten, 350 new freshmen will arrive at Asbury, and many other smaller everyday things will keep them busy!

My 18 days will start a little slower with a few more days here in Tirana and then several days with Reni at the orphanage before we get custody on the 12th. Then I too will be pretty busy with a final stretch of appointments leading up to hopefully leaving as now scheduled on Sunday August 22nd.
Walking in our neighborhood to say goodbye to Teza Vera

I'm not sure who was squeezing harder, Ellie or Vera.

Ellie promised to carry her own backpack through all of the airports today. Mommy will have to give a report when they are back in KY.

Ellie loves 'Uncle' Mondi! He is great!

Does anyone else think Ellie may have grown another inch on this trip? She is getting so tall.

4 AM goodbyes are the worst! I already miss you Cydil and Ellie!


Doreen Nixon said...

Praying for traveling mercies for Cydil and Ellie. It is going to be good to be back home I am sure but only really great once Nathan and Reni arrive home to complete the family. We are praying all goes well with this final stage of Reni's adoption and traveling arrangements.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for God's traveling as well as staying mercies. We know He is in control and will direct each step over these next very hectic days for each of you.
Mom and Dad

Aunt Ruth said...

Our hearts and prayers are with each of you!! Ellie will start full day kindergarten next week!! What an adventure that will be for her. Cydil and Nathan we hold you in our hearts and prayers. God has begun this adoption process and HE will bring it to completion. Reni we send you lots and lots of hugs and prayers.

Amy said...

Bringing tears to my eyes as I think about the girls and saying goodbye to Ababa when he leaves next Monday to get the boys. Of course he will only be gone 1 week and then we will be a family of 6!!! Cydil & I will have to be each other's support group next week as we endeavor the girls and school on our own.

hannah said...

praying for travel mercies for cydil and ellie for safe travel for cydil and ellie and i will be praying for you nathan final stage of david adottion this week