

Reni's "Gottcha Day" in pictures

If a picture is worth 1000 words, here is a 16,000 word essay on today's events!

As a special treat and a chance to say goodbye to the kids who would know what that means, I asked if I could treat the 'older' kids to some ice-cream. I am not sure what was more exciting. Pushing Reni in his stroller, or getting out and enjoying ice-cream. I appreciated this time to say a special "thank you" to Duzi who has loved on Reni so much his first year of life!

The distribution was amazingly orderly.

Everyone enjoyed the lemon popcicle, though some got as much of it on their face as in their mouths.

We paused on the way back for a group picture here because Sister Mary Fashtina thought the flowers were pretty. That's right, the flowers we can't see because of the group!

The same three dutifully pushed Reni back. By the time this picture was taken, Reni was asleep. After laying Reni down for his last nap in the orphanage, I returned to the hotel to check out and wait for Agim who would help me get the paperwork done today.

Our first stop was the courthouse. Although we had been here several times before, this is the first time I got a picture of the building. We were a little early for the opening of the court secretary's office, so we decided to try to find the office where we would go to get Reni's birth certificate if the court papers were given to us. Agim asked a gentleman who worked at the court and instead of telling us, he said follow me! He then led us through passageways we never would have found to get to our destination quickly. We were thankful to be told that getting the birth certificate today would be no problem as long as we were back by 2:00. As we walked back to the court house with our Good Samaritan, he told Agim to follow him to the secretary's office, so we did. Even though we were still about 20 minutes early, he found the right man in the building and had him open up for us!

I didn't know if they would let me take this picture of the court secretary's office, so we waited until we had the papers in hand to ask. They agreed as long as they didn't have to pose, so I quickly grabbed this shot to show you that 'finding' your court papers isn't a given! They did find ours though and so after running to get the birth certificate and notarizing the change in custody I was back at the orphanage to pick up Reni and leave for Tirana!

We got him into some spiffy new clothes thanks to one of our moms.

Got one last picture with proud Duzi! Moments after this picture, I hugged Duzi and thanked her as she wept! "I'm happy and sad," is all she could say. Thank God for Duzi and her love for our son! He is the sweet boy he is today because of it.

The older kids lined up for a good bye wave, and displayed the cookies and candy I brought for them to celebrate. I apologized to the Sisters and caregivers that I was hyping the kids up on sugar and then leaving the chaos, but they assured me that it was worth the special occasion.

I wanted to be sure I got a picture with all of the Sisters, and they requested that it be with the statue in the garden. These women have poured their lives into the kids there in Elbasan. Without the love of Christ, they would not be able to do what they do. We will never be able to thank them fully, but I believe God will.

David Reni started the ride to Tirana wanting to look out the window and take it all in.

About 30 minutes into the trip, he fell asleep in my arms. Not only was it sweet, it may have helped him not get sick on the very curvy roads. It sure was a much quieter ride to Tirana than the one with Elisona!

As soon as I put him down on the floor of the living room of the Tirana apartment, he was exploring. The VHS tapes were first, but the neat stack of books in this picture didn't stay that way for long!

He is just tall enough to see his reflection in this hallway mirror. I missed the smile when first discovering it, but he thought it was cool that he could see me too.
We were able to Skype with my mom and later with Cydil and many of her family. It was fun showing Reni off!

At 7:45 he started to act tired, so I decided that I would shoot for an 8:00 bedtime. He was out quickly, and I shot this picture without a flash so I wouldn't wake him. Unfortunately he is waking up every 15 minutes or so and crying. All it takes is a gentle rub of the back or me singing 'Only a Boy Named David' and he is back asleep, but this could be a long night if the trend continues. I am sure everything feels and smells different. Hopefully he feels safe soon and can sleep as peacefully as he looks!

I think I will join him now in dream land. What a wonderful day to remember!


Cydil said...

THANK YOU for the wonderful pics! Love, Love LOVE the photo of the sisters. A keeper to blow up for his room.
Miss my boys,

Melissa said...

Just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Isn't our God Awesome. The picture of Reni sleeping, reminds me just how much God loves us..You can just feel the peace surrounding Reni..Hang in there Nathan, your are so much closer to Kentucky..Take care Markettys

Aunt Ruth said...

Nathan, we were at the airport for Ellie's arrival in Lexington--was it 2006?? Uncle Jack made reservations at a Lexington motel for August 22nd,2010. We will be there for Reni's home coming also!!! We are so thankful for all the good progress that transpired today. See you soon.
Love and Prayers, Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures to recap a wonderful day. Trust Reni quickly adjusts to his new surroundings etc. Praise the Lord for the way He is working out the paper work. You will be HOME soon
Dad for both of us

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I wish I could be there for his homecoming.

When I saw your earlier blog post, I said a prayer for his sleep. I hope he was able to sleep peacefully.

I, too, love the shot with the sisters.

Joann said...

God bless you all. How wonderful that another child has a home.

Please give my regards to Agim. It was good to catch a photo of him.

Doreen Nixon said...

Thank you for sharing this with us Nathan - for me it was a bit of a walk down memory lane - the Sisters, the Helpers, the Orphanage, the area, and a little 5 week old baby now already a toddler who is living proof of God's answered prayers. Our God is truly an awesome God just look how He melded you together as a family not even the oceans could keep you apart - and now you are one. Aunt Ruth I am delighted you are going to be there to meet him - and please if you are ever in Maine again I would love to meet you and have coffee with you. Love to you all and God Bless.

Jan said...

Your blog is better than reality TV! :) Don't you love it when people have suggestions for "good spots" for pictures? If only they could see what a photographer does... too funny!