

Mommy, do I go to school at NIGHTTIME?

These were Ellie's first words when I came in her room this morning to wake her up for school at 6:15. In spite of arising early and laying things out the night before, I learned a couple of other important lessons for the start of a new school year:

1.) Do NOT try to trim your daughter's bangs the night before. There is enough stress and keyed up emotions without compounding those feelings for both individuals while holding a sharp object! The finished look will indeed NOT be finished. That will have to happen another day.

2.) If your child rocks herself to sleep at night (and has nearly every night since you've known her, especially on nights when you put her down early), do not be surprised that she will wake up with her hair in a tangled, matted MESS. Allow ample time (and detangler spray) the next morning to rectify this situation OR tie up her hair the night before to avoid such problems altogether (that would be much simpler, wouldn't it?).

3.) The bus will not come early on the first day of school. This is good when you remember all of the tasks you forgot to do the night before (like packing a snack or enclosing lunch money). Keeping your child's mind focused on preparing for the upcoming change and bus arrival is important. This will be a challenge when your wait approaches thirty minutes.

4.) Kentucky weather in August is quite muggy. It's best if you put your camera out on the porch immediately upon waking up so the camera can acclimate to the outdoor weather conditions and you can avoid a 'fogged up' lens when the bus arrives.

5.) If you decide to put your camera on the 'timer mode', don't forget to change it back before the bus rolls to a stop at your driveway. Crossing the street with your nervous child while traffic waits is not the time to start fumbling with camera settings.

6.) Pray, pray, pray! Especially when the bus driver calls you back up on the bus (while traffic continues to wait) to calm your crying child who is upset over having to have to wear a seatbelt (I don't think it was the seatbelt that was really upsetting her).

I'm sorry the backpack doesn't do justice to this pillowcase dress Gigi made for Els. I love the pattern on the fabric. There is a drawstring at the neck which ties at the shoulder. I wish they made clothes like that for grown ups!

Ellie wanted to make a goofy face for the camera. This is what she supplied.

Here is the shot taken on timer mode. I would have rather gone without this photo to have better photos of the bus, but we wanted one of both of us for Daddy.


Anonymous said...

Oh, our precious Ellie, off to Kindergarten! The first days are hard, but soon the routine will fall into place. Ellie, you look so beautiful and grown-up! Don't grow up too fast, ok?

Nonna and PaPa love you, Ellie!

NCWaggoner said...

I have been praying for you today Ellie! I am so proud of my big Kindergartner! I will be home soon, so save some schoolwork to show me when I get back.
Love you! Daddy

Thanks for the post Cydil. It was worth the walk to the internet cafe.
Love you too!

Aunt Ruth said...

Dear Ellie, Aunt Ruth and Uncle Jack are also proud of you!!! You looked so pretty in your new dress. Get your Mommy to take some pictures of your school work to put on the blog. Oh, by the way, we plan to see you and Reni sometime in late September. We'll be staying in Nicolasville. Aunt Elaine and Uncle Ken are coming to Wilmore to be with Paul's family. We will be there part of one day to see all of the family.

Melissa said...

I love that dress. You are so adorable Ellie! What a big girl! And Mommy, things will fall into a routine eventually and I bet she'll love school. Wow!

Amy said...

Loved the helpful tips, as I too experienced them today as well. Seriously, sweat was just dripping off me as I waited with the girls for the bus. The girls came home telling me they saw Ellie crying in the hallway with one of the teachers saying, "its ok, Ellie, you can stop crying now." So that probably explains her being hoarse tonight. Tomorrow is a new day!

Amy said...

Loved the helpful tips, as I too experienced them today as well. Seriously, sweat was just dripping off me as I waited with the girls for the bus. The girls came home telling me they saw Ellie crying in the hallway with one of the teachers saying, "its ok, Ellie, you can stop crying now." So that probably explains her being hoarse tonight. Tomorrow is a new day!