

Friday morning (for you early-bird blog stalkers)

I don't have time to post any pictures or video right now, but I thought I would give a brief report of the day so far.

Since unless something major changes this afternoon at the courthouse, this is David Reni's last day in the orphanage, I asked if I could treat the 'older' kids to ice cream in town. Duzi and Sister Mary-Fashtina (sp?) got the kids ready and off we went. The three oldest kids wanted to push Reni's stroller, so except to cross streets, I let them. We had a good walk with one store owner stopping us all to had out candies and many well wishes along the way. When we arrived at the ice-cream shop, it was closed, so we continued up the street a little to the next little store to buy popsicles. The store owner there wouldn't let us pay for the kid's treats either, so I bought some water and containers of ice-cream for this afternoon. A caregiver who was off duty lived in the apartment next to the store, and came down to greet us with her daughter when she saw the commotion. Needless to say, everyone within a block or so knew who we were and what was happening. I got several pats on the shoulder and some thumbs up from the closest on-lookers. They kept saying how lucky Reni was, but it is I who feels blessed!

Agim from Bethany will be here in 15 minutes and then we are off to try to finish the Elbasan paper chase. After several steps in that process I won't bore you with, I will return to the orphanage, and we will have a little ice-cream party and say goodbyes. Hopefully my next post will have lots of pictures and will be from Tirana with Reni!

Thank you so much for your prayers! I feel like this extra day in Elbasan, while not wanted initially, is allowing me to leave 'better.' Proper goodbye's and thank you's are important, and I am glad for this extra time to do it right!

Now to post this and check out of the hotel. Another wedding is already in full swing even though last nights wedding didn't end until after 5AM!


Anonymous said...

Oh, how I wish we could be there for this momentous day, but having been there this summer, I can supply mental pictures for the occasion! I'm praying for God's continued hand upon the events at the courthouse, and all that is to follow today.

Reni, you have a family! You are coming home to us!

All our love,
Mom and Dad

Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

So very excited for your family!!!! Reading your posts brings tears to my eyes. They bring such joy to see a family united!! They put pictures in my mind of a few weeks from now when we will be united with our son forever. Such joy!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So thrilled that today is the day! It is so apparent that God has been and is continuing to be with you each step of the way! What a beautiful story and it has only just begun. We love you Nathan and Cydil and are so proud of you and all that GOd is working out in your lives!!! We feel privileged to be your aunt and uncle! Ellie and Reni are jewels God has intrusted you with and what a wonderful job you are doing! Our continuing love and prayers. Uncle Ken and Aunt Elaine

Aunt Ruth said...

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus!! The tears of joy are flowing! Reni, your extended family cannot wait to wrap our arms around you!!! We are praying Nathan for the next appointments and final passport to happen smoothly. God bless,