

A few pictures...

I didn't realize that my camera battery was dead this morning until I pulled it out for a quick picture, so these photos are actually from yesterday. This morning I decided to take advantage of a little cooler temps and take David for a walk in the stroller. We walked out to the main road and got an Uje Pa Gas (water without gas) and enjoyed it in a little patch of shade we found. As we were finishing up and beginning our trip back, I heard a familiar chant in an unfamiliar location - "Bobbi Reni! Bobbi Reni!" I looked across the busy street to see Duzi and a sister with 10 of the older kids from the orphanage. Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought a walk would be a good idea this morning. They were on their way back, so we waited for them to cross the street and join us for the return walk. There was no anonymity with this group! All the kids wanted to 'help' pull the stroller, and Reni with his hat from Aunt Hannah, looked like a cool dude! More than once, women on the street stopped to pinch his cheeks or give him a kiss. Each time Duzi proudly told them that he was going to America to get legs! :-)

Reni chilled during our walk, but didn't fall asleep. I think he was refreshed though because he was full of energy when we returned. For the first time since we have been here, I left at 11:00 and he wasn't asleep! I think he will nap well when he finally does go down. The camera is charging, so hopefully I will have some new pictures tonight.

Reni enjoyed 'riding' my feet like a horse. Sorry my hairy legs are highlighted here!

A new toy! Reni had some fun with this squishy ball. The pictures don't give his facial expressions justice.

He just discovered he could squish it.


Aunt Ruth said...

Reni,(little angel) we love your pictures and smiles. We are praying for all the signitures to be in place on Thursday so you can get to America and get your legs. God bless you, your big sister and your parents.
Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth

Anonymous said...

Your walk sounded like fun, especially when joined by the other children. Reni has reasons to put off his naps now! :-)

We are earnestly praying about Thursday.

Love you,