

David Reni goes to the doctor...

getting weighed by Nurse Elizabeth

Giving a "high five" to Dr. Taylor
Thank you to everyone who has asked how we're doing! The first week was pretty tiring, but we made it through.

Last night we kicked off Global Cafe` at the student center and we had a "meet the Waggoners" night and shared about our adoption experience this summer, but more what lessons we've learned through the process of bringing Ellie and Reni into our family.

My friend Jan came for a visit from D.C. and to help me shoot a wedding on Saturday. She was also very generous and shot some family photos for us Friday evening! I can't wait to see those and share some here on the blog when I get 'caught up' on photo work.

David Reni seems to be doing pretty well, feeling very comfortable here in his new home. He is warming up to me (Cydil), though Nathan still has the secret for getting him down to bed if he's not already asleep. Yesterday he crawled over to my feet and lifted his arms, even with Nathan in the same room!

He's also learning some new 'tricks' including waving goodbye (more than 50% of the time), pointing at what he wants, and throwing laundry or towels on his head to play "peek-a-boo" (this always elicits big smiles). This morning he climbed his first step unassisted. He likes to crawl over to the front door to look out the window (the only one at his eye level, barely). Jan commented that if he had both feet, he'd probably be climbing up bookcases already - he's a very active and curious little boy who loves to explore cabinets and tries to climb out of his high chair. His favorite toys are the stacking rings and anything with wheels. He's all boy.

He eats like a human garbage disposal. He's willing to try anything and everything, especially if you're eating it first, then it's preferable to what's on his plate. He jabbers and jabbers and is pretty friendly with new people, but prefers Nathan or I.

Today we took him to his first medical appointment! We love our friends at A Caring Touch Pediatrics and were anxious for them to meet him in person. To sum it up, he was pretty interactive with everyone, but gave the most vocal responses to Ms. Connie, the receptionist who has a darker complexion, similar to his favorite Sisters in Elbasan. Measuring his growth and placing him on a chart is a bit tricky given that he's lacking his lower legs. That throws off measurements for length and weight, but adding 5 inches to his length puts him smack in the middle of the growth chart -- same with his head circumference. I think we discovered the source of his chest congestion and sleepless nights: double ear infections! Hopefully some antibiotics in his system and some infant Tylenol will ease his discomfort (and grant Nathan longer stints of sleep)!


Kjernald Family Adventures said...

you have a beautiful son and a great doc. But then again, I am pretty bias on these matters.


Anonymous said...

Just read your recent blog. I love trying to keep up with you all. So glad the doctor visit went well. It sounds like you all are doing a fantastic job and David Reni is fitting into your family beautifully!!! We are coming to Wilmore the end of September and can hardly wait to see you all in person. Thanks for all you do to keep us up to date with this exciting time. We love you all dearly. Uncle Ken and Aunt Elaine Elaine.

bug seth tua pip said...

Thanks for the update! With double ear infections he looks pretty happy...but I am not up with him all night, either. Hope that he gets better soon :)

Aunt Ruth said...

So glad to keep up with your family!! It's certainly a bright spot for us. We plan to spend a day in Wilmore while Ken and Elaine are there. We'll want to see all 4 of you too!! Love and Prayers, Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth

Simon and Pam Wunderli said...

Glad you survived your first week. He is cute wee lad and readily smiles by the look of the photos. Thanks for all the updates and hope you get more sleep now. Double ear infection sounds painful. Blessings to you all xxxx