

The last missions trip...

I have a small stack of clothes in my closet that are 'mission trip' clothes. You know, the ones you don't mind getting Kenyan clay or Honduran mud on even though it won't come off. They gain character with each trip. They are like old friends (that is if your friends are covered in paint and caulk), but they have served well. Today I say goodbye to one such friend. While becoming more and more threadbare with each international trip, they were my favorite work jeans. While kneeling to pick up some concrete pavers, I heard them rip. My gasp was mistaken for the loss a broken tile. Instead it was the realization of one less article in my 'mission trip' pile. I used some duct tape to make it through the rest of the day, but I won't be able to squeeze any more adventures into these faithful jeans.

I (Nathan) am currently on a WGM Task Force team in Honduras. If you want to read more about what we are doing you can go to


Laurie Kjernald said...

yep, those things are definitely done for. Although, the grunge look seems to be the style, so maybe you could get away with calling them hip! Hope you are having a wonderful time in ministry there. Praying for your adoption as well as the ministry.


Mark said...

Nathan, you could definitely get more use out of those . . . I know I haven't given up on my favorite jeans just because of some unfortunate holes and being caught on fire a few times. This is just adding to the character.


Darold and Marcia said...

Duck tape and WD40 never be without it!!!