

November 1

This morning our pastor opened church by saying, "November is the new December!" It seems that November will hold all the busy-ness and craziness inherant in the holiday season and for our family it is no different. We are going one week at a time, one day at a time.

This week kicks off missions conference at Asbury (Great Commission Congress). Nathan has been part of a committee planning for this event since early last spring. Meetings have gone longer and met more frequently as the week approached. We pray that it will be a significant time on campus. Would you join us in this prayer for Asbury?

Tonight we have another Global Cafe`. We will have the Strongs from Peru with us and we love this family! They hosted Nathan and a team of Asbury students in the spring of '08, as well as the women's soccer team shortly before that. They are with us until Tuesday. Following the service and supper, Nathan and our cabinet are rehearsing a simulation that will be taking place on Tuesday night as part of the week's missions activities. It could be really powerful but will require some extra practice to pull off well.

Meanwhile, Ellie and I will hold down the home front and support Nathan as best we can while he's in and out for lots of meetings and lunches and suppers in the cafeteria. Today we said goodbye to Mom and Dad Waggoner. They came for a quick visit and we enjoyed our time with them. Ellie was really sad to see them leave. Three times on the way home from church/lunch she reminded herself out loud, "I will see them again soon." Thanks, Mom and Dad, for coming! We all enjoyed your visit very much!

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