

Catching Up

I've got lots of random photos to share from the month of October. Forgive the hodge-podge nature of this post!

Last Sunday we were so glad to enjoy our Church's annual harvest party for the youth and kids. Usually we're unable to participate in Sunday afternoon/evening church activities because of our Global Cafe` here at the Center on Sunday evenings, but we had the weekend off for Fall Break. Our pastor has a tradition of painting finger nails each year at the Harvest Party. Ellie was thrilled when we told her she could get her finger nails repainted at church. She chose an interesting shade: orange. Maybe it was the table covering? Or maybe she's showing a propensity to cheer for Illinois over Ohio State?

(Below) That's Ellie's 2nd cousin, Andrew N, helping her up one of the inflatables.

Monday's weather was so gorgeous, Ellie and I enjoyed several hours outside raking up leaves. Ellie insisted on having her own rake which she promptly declared was a 'spider broom'.

On Friday of last week we got a hotel for a steal (thanks, Priceline!) and stayed at the Hilton Suites at Lexington Green. Ellie loved riding the glass elevator and even more, feeding the ducks on the pond, which was right below our window. It was just the get away we needed, even if it was short.

(below) When Ellie was sick a few weeks ago, we read the Berenstain Bears Go to the Doctor SEVERAL times. Here she is, in bed, taking the temperature of the Bears in the book.

Earlier this month I traveled to Memphis to shoot a wedding for a former Asbury student and friend, Jessica. (Click here to see some of my favorite photos of the day). I was so glad when it worked out to visit a sweet bloggy friend I've made, Diana (I posted here about her visit with us in Kentucky in 2007). She and her family graciously hosted me the night before the wedding at their home in Jackson. It was so nice to meet the rest of the family, but in particular, their 12-year-old daughter, Dajana, whom they adopted from Albania in December/January!
I got to visit with two other special friends that weekend -- I'm just sorry I don't have photos with them to share. Kami -- I loved the impromptu nature of our afternoon in Nashville! I can't wait to post your head shots! It was a super fun shoot! Kelly -- thanks for traveling down from IL to help me with Jessica and John David's wedding! It's always fun to get together with you. I still think you need to get a Garmin!
(above) with Diana in Jackson
(Above) with Laurie Kjernald
Laurie visited with us a few times during her 2 weeks here in Kentucky. A friend from our college days at Asbury, we've gotten to know each other even better since embarking upon our journey into international adoption. Laurie and Andreas live in Sweden with their sweet son, Samuel, whom they adopted from Nepal a year before we adopted Ellie. They are presently waiting for a referral of a little girl they're going to name Jane, also in Nepal. A visit with Laurie is always such an encouragement!

On Tuesday I joined Ellie's class for a field trip to a local orchard/pumpkin patch. The trip was fun, even though the weather bordered on miserable.

Thankfully the hay rack had an overhead cover to protect us from the rain! Ellie loved it!

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