

quick update

Mom is in Albania and I've been told that when one of my parents is away, the blog gets checked even more frequently than when they are home. So, given that, I'm posting a quick text update for mom's benefit (sorry no photos). You're all welcome to read if you so choose...

Before I get to our personal stuff, I want to publicly recognize Veteran's Day. I have been moved by the patriotic songs and images I have heard and seen throughout the day. I am grateful to all those who serve in our armed forces and for their families who sacrifice togetherness for the freedom of others. THANK YOU.

Switching gears...
Ellie's new level of communication has brought some interesting conversations into our home. She can say quite a bit, but we still have holes in communicating and it goes both ways (in expression and comprehension), particularly out of context. For example, today we picked her up from school and in response to asking her about her day, she said something like, "In the classroom, teeth came out! Teeth hit the floor!" She couldn't say whose teeth, but it sounds like perhaps someone in her class lost a tooth?

So that led to Nathan trying to explain to her at bedtime that one day she will lose a tooth. And when that happens, she will put it under her pillow. A tooth fairy princess will come and take her tooth and put a surprise in its place. That seemed fascinating to her, but she was more concerned that Nathan or I lose a tooth instead of her. Then as she was going to lay down, she picked up her pillow, picked up an imaginary object and said, "Look Daddy! The princess brought you a tooth!" And she proceeded to "put" it in his mouth, complete with a 'schwoop-ing' sound effect.

Yesterday we were talking about Christmas travel plans and Ellie overheard us (she is SO excited about Christmas -- we spent about 25 minutes in the Christmas aisle at Lowes a few weeks ago). I said something like, "During Christmas break --"
At which point Ellie interrupted me in a strong voice, saying, "NO! Don't break Christmas! Christmas is NICE!"

Yes, Ellie, Christmas is nice.

Ellie's current favorite song: Zacheaeus was a Wee Little Man, though sometimes she sings, "Jesus, You come down!"

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