

Dad and Els - Day 1

Cydil left for Albania today to help with some photography projects for her parent's ministry there. She will be gone 12 days, so Elisona and I are on our own for a while. I hope to update the blog regularly while she is gone to prove that I haven't burned the house down.

This morning, we dropped Cydil at the Lexington airport. It is under major renovation in preparation of next summer's World Equestrian Games that will be hosted in Lexington. Ellie really wanted to join Cydil on the plane, but didn't fuss when it was time to say 'goodbye'. On the way home, she kept looking out of the window for a plane and when we arrived home she said, "Mommy's going to Albania to get Elisona!" We have been trying to prepare her for a sibling when the referral comes and have been recounting the story of our traveling to get her. It is one of her three favorite stories to hear (along with "Ellie goes to the doctor" and "Ellie goes on the kayak").

This afternoon after school, we spent some time in the kitchen preparing for the Ohio State vs. Michigan game by making 6 dozen buckeyes. Ellie loves to watch the Kitchen Aid mix and eat the batter. As she was going to bed tonight she asked her normal, "Tomorrow, after I wake up?" I told her that we would be watching football downstairs with 'the students,' and we practiced O-H-I-O one more time. She is currently softly snoring next to me on Cydil's side of the bed. I still remember hearing this beautiful sound coming from the crib at the foot of our bed the first night we were able to take Ellie out of the orphanage.

I am sure that Cydil is not getting the restful sleep on the plane that I will be getting after locking up the center. The last text that she sent to me read "Stuck in the middle. Very hot." Hope you were able to get some rest, Cydil!

Well, one day down - 11 to go!


bug seth tua pip said...

I'm sure you will do great and have some moments that you will remember for a long time! Looking forward to reading about your adventures!

Cydil said...

We all enjoyed reading this blog post together! It's surreal to be here, but weird without you and Els!

Aunt Ruth said...

Cydil and Nathan, how well we remember that December day. We were among the ones who met you at the airport when you brought Ellie home. How great that Pop Pop and Grams were there at the student center for the Champion Christmas. I'm afraid Grams probably doesn't remember,that event. She surely does know all about Ellie. Each of us share family news with each phone call. Have a good visit Cydil and stay safe. Love ya,