

Crazy 8s

Lindsey tagged me... (and since there has been a dearth of activity on this blog this month, here goes)

8 things I'm looking forward to...
1.) seeing what kind of person Ellie grows up to be
2.) our time with family this summer (Nathan's family in June, mine in July, and more family in August!)
3.) our tenth anniversary trip in July!
4.) learning more!
5.) meeting our next child... boy or girl?
6.) observing Ellie as a big sister
7.) redeeming a gift certificate to eat with Nathan at Malones. We've only had it for about 6 months.

8 Things I Did Yesterday

1.) does housework count?
2.) accidentally invited EVERYONE in my e-mail address book to become my Facebook friend (sorry if you don't have fb and got spammed by me)
3.) took the Kinnell's family photos -- thanks for letting me practice on you guys! I hope Essie gets to feeling better soon!
4.) downloaded 400+ images from an engagement session (why do I take SO MANY photos?)
5.) went to the post office
6.) compensated for long work at the computer by camping out on the deck with Nathan and Ellie (Ellie LOVED it -- she got to sleep on a real mattress)
7.) forgot to give Ellie her allergy medicine
8.) Watched the movie "Enchanted" with Ellie streaming from Netflix on the laptop in our tent on the deck (we were roughin' it, weren't we?)

8 Things I Wish I could do

1.) go back to last night and give Ellie her medicine (she woke up this morning, stuffed up and near tears, pointed to her nose and said, "Fix it?")
2.) teleport to any place in the world so we could visit family and friends more easily (Ellie's been asking on a near daily basis to visit her grandparents)
3.) Sleep better hours
4.) wake up with the skills of a Photoshop jedi master
5.) know how to help Ellie more and not place unrealistic expectations on her growth and development
6.) journal
7.) articulate my thoughts succinctly
8.) think of something special to do for Ellie's birthday in 2 weeks...

8 T.V. shows I watch
1.) Lost
2.) Fox & Friends

We've not really watched much TV in 2009. We don't even record anything to our DVR anymore -- not even the Amazing Race! Nathan's been a saint and watched many an episode of the Inspector Lynley Series as well as Midsomer Murders (thanks for the library loan, Dad).

I'm not tagging anyone, but if you too are in need of blog content, feel free to do this yourself. It's actually thought provoking (e.g. what AM I looking forward to?)

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