

More ice/snow damage pics

(Above) Our volleyball court is now an ice rink. Hockey or curling, anyone?

Internet access has been sporadic, so I'll keep this short and sweet to share some more pics...

We still have power, but as the snow has accumulated (more than what you see in these photos that were taken 2 hours ago), more limbs continue to fall. Our neighbors to the south in Danville have been without power for going on 30 hours. We are thankful that's not us!
To answer your questions, by light of day, the insurance inspector agreed with us that our van appears undamaged! And she didn't see the photos that you can see below! God knew we had better uses for the $500 deductible we would have had to pay and spared our van any damage! We must have it pretty bad because traffic slows when they drive by our yard. I'll post more later... it's supposed to fall to 15 tonight.
Oh, and you can pray for creative ideas for activities with Ellie. She's getting cabin fever. Feel free to post comments with your ideas below! I can still get the comments on my cell phone e-mail box if the internet goes out again!


Aunt Ruth said...

The pictures look so much like our yard when muncie, IN was hit so hard with an ice storm!!! The miracles continue in that the van is OK and you have electricity!! I do not know if this is a possibility, but Ellie could get pretty tired trying to walk in the snow and maybe take a nap. We have at least 12 inches here.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I miss those ice storms... Wait... I live in ice :)