

Imagination and Encouragement

In the last week or so (I can't say I really know when it started, but I began noticing it about that long ago) we've gotten peeks inside of Ellie's head as she's started verbalizing her thoughts. It's ranged from the cute and adorable to some not so positive things like her saying all of the things we and her teachers have told her NOT to do: "Elisona, No! Ellie, sit down! Ellie, don't screech! Ellie, use your words!" We hear this in the car, or while she's entertaining herself, like looking at a book.

Some of the cute things have been the little games she has created, like her two imaginary frogs. We know they are loose when they start to "ribbit", and then we know they are lost when she raises her hands and eyebrows and says with a very serious face and concerned voice, "Where'd they go?" We then have to catch them, let her 'pet' them, and put them back in her pocket.

She has other imaginary games that she plays with her imaginary slinky (handy when the real slinky can't be tracked down) as well as blowing and 'catching' kisses. They're cute, but we need to come up with some new ones as they are getting kinda old already. (wink)

Tonight she pulled out a new one of her own creation. She held her hands up in front of her face as Nathan carried her to bed and said, "Knock, Knock!"
"Who's there?" she asked herself.
"It's Daddy!", she replied as she separated her hands.
"Hello Daddy!"

This repeated itself over and over several times, as she spent the last couple of minutes talking through her 'closed door', opening it up to give us kisses goodnight, for example.

It's been a long wait to learn what's been going on 'up there' in that little head of hers, so we're excited to hear in her own words.

Finally, on an unrelated note, Nathan could tell you that if you were around me any in the last three days, you'd get to hear all about the latest adoption blog I've found and been reading (thanks, Katie!). I know my fellow adoption bloggy friends will enjoy it, but I think it will be inspiring to anyone. The link is
Enjoy the rest of your week!


Chad and Christa said...

For another adoption story, click the link on our blog to "Pastor Dan's Family." It's been a year since the adoption and he and his wife tell the story of picking up their daughter.

They were struggling to conceive, so they started the adoption process. Then they got pregnant, so when they adopted, they basically had twins. Then just a few months later, they got pregnant again. They went from 0-3 in 18 months.

Aunt Ruth said...

We rejoice with you in sweet Ellie's progress!!!

The Wofford family said...

Thanks for sharing, Cydil! I wish I could see her saying those things!