

Waggoner Family Christmas

Here are some photos from our Waggoner family Christmas (in no particular order). I notice they are a bit lopsided towards the kids (I think have more pics on another memory card somewhere so maybe we'll get the adults in on another post)...

Ellie poses with one of her favorite Christmas gifts. I think we played with it for over an hour alone today!

Micah's pleased with his new athletic wear

Here's the marble maze all set up (above)

One of Ellie's other favorite gifts. She asks to play by saying, "Hunnry Hunnry Hippo?" in a voice that you can't refuse. And if you ask if she's hungry, she takes it to mean that you want to play this game.

Caleb displays one of his gifts.

Leah shows off her personalized stocking

Josh waits his turn to open a present

Nonna with her granddaughters

Ellie got this 'fuzzy' (that's what we call 'em) in her stocking. She promptly named him "Bob." Funny, she's never named a doll baby, teddy bear, or any other toy for that matter.

Ellie sneaking in some sensory stimulation by flipping the pages of Aunt Rachel's book. She knows she's been caught. Some days I wonder if this habbit will ever break or if she'll do this forever. No paperback within her grasp is safe!


The Wofford family said...

Thanks for all the recent posts Cydil! I really enjoyed seeing pictures of Elisha, and the great pictures of Ellie. It was great to see you guys!

Aunt Ruth said...

How great to see the Christmas pictures!!! Each one was a delight and brought smiles to my face.