

2 Years Ago Today...

... we threw a party at the Coldwater Orphanage in Vlora,
ate lunch one last time at the Hotel New York,
made one last trip to the court house and waited nervously over softdrinks at the cafe across the street for Alma to come out with the adoption decree,
drove back to the Coldwater Orphanage to change Ellie and bundle her up,
strapped her in for her first car seat ride...
and listened to her wail for the longest three hour drive of our lives.

We stopped only once in Vlashaj in the dark to change a messy diaper (which dad threw on Genti and Shpresa's front porch -- sorry, friends) and Mandi high tailed it the rest of the way into Tirana. I'll never forget how she not only stopped crying, but relaxed and I think even smiled when we laid her down on our bed in the quiet back bedroom of the 2nd floor guest apartment. Hearing her snore in the crib at the foot of our bed was the sweetest sound.


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Awwwww.... What a lovely post!

Anonymous said...

I remember Grandpa Waggoner at work keeping us updated. I remember following your every move on this blog. Doesn't God work such miracles. He knew Ellie's destination before she even was born. God Bless all of you! Marketttys