

Today Ellie entertained a lot of visitors! With classes starting on Tuesday, our student friends are beginning to roll into town and some of the dropped by the center this afternoon and evening to meet Ellie.

We have also had full guestrooms in the center this weekend (parents of returning students) so we started some laundry tonight so as not to die from an avalanche of sheets and towels in our hallway. I happened to set Ellie down nearby while I transferred some sheets to the dryer. I started the machine and turned around to find a pair of eyes glued to the sight of rolling fabric visible through the little windowed door. Several minutes later she was still enamored with this new form of entertainment so we felt it justified a photo. This particular photo above doesn't do justice to the extent of her curiosity, but I liked that Reagan happened to get in this shot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a neat picture!! Thanks for sharing. Love, Aunt Ruth