

Miscellaneous Photos

The backpack was supposed to help keep my hands "free". Not so for Miss Ellie yesterday who insisted I help her hold her sippy cup with one hand (note the cleaning rag in the other).

Contrary to the portrayal of the photo above, Ellie was not her usual sweet self most of today. I believe a new molar was the source of her unusual mood swings. Fortunately nearly everyone who dropped by to meet her got at least one or two beautiful smiles before she eventually disintegrated into tears.

Tonight we attended the Student Development staff party (which was conveniently held here at the student center). There were several folks anxious to meet Miss Ellie! Her attendance at the party was brief, cut short by a desire to get more to eat, then it was bedtime!
On the development front, Ellie is getting the knack of mimicking her mom and dad. Sunday it was blowing. Noticing that she likes the wind in her face, I would blow the hair on her forehead as it made her giggle. Then I noticed that she was blowing back! It was a riot! Then today, when making the animal sounds for each of the animals in her wooden barnyard puzzle, I'm almost 100% sure she "moo-ed" back at me!


Anonymous said...

Ellie will be talking soon!! You are so observing to notice her copying your actions and words. I know you can't wait to hear her say "Mommy" and "Daddy". Love ya, Aunt Ruth

Lindsey Carney said...

Hello, I started my day with a plan to organize my house better, worked for a little while and sat down to check e-mail. My husband, Jason, and I are also adopting from Albania and our caseworker sent me your website. For the past hour I have been crying while reading your story and looking at pictures. Thank you for this site and all of your detail. We are waiting for our I-171H to get here and then we submit our dossier. I have been talking with a family in Alabama who just came home in Oct. with their son. They have been lots of help with answering my many questions. I would love to be able to talk with you, I'm sure you are busy. My e-mail address in if you have time to e-mail me. Ellie is precious, I cannot wait for my husband to get home so I can share with him your website. THANKS AND GOD BLESS!