

A few days in... status report

This photo was requested by Grandpa Van...

A napping Ellie doesn't know what surprises await her when she wakes up! Dad's assembling the walker purchased earlier today...
We said goodbye to Nonna and Papa on Monday morning and have had a couple of quiet days here at home to get used to everything without the help of extra sets of eager arms to hold Ellie!
Ellie crashed on Monday. She fought napping and she fought going to bed that night and most of the time in between she could only be mollified for a few minutes by a new distraction. It was tough! Remarkably, she awoke on Tuesday morning with a cheerful grin and was an angel all day yesterday! We celebrated by making a trip to Wal Mart for some much needed supplies. To our amazement, she loved riding in the cart and if we stopped for a moment, she would start rocking her body (like she would do in her walker) to get it moving again. She also didn't seem to mind her car seat, so long as we were moving.

Today seems like it may be a repeat of Tuesday! Praise Jesus! We made a repeat trip to Wal Mart to get a walker and some food items that are supposedly helpful for those transitioning to solid food. (This continues to be a prayer request -- she has no desire so far to sample anything that can't be swallowed out of her little red cup). Shopping seemed to go so well that we stopped for lunch at a local Mexican restaurant. She was a great little girl and passed the time with Mom's sunglasses while her parents ate, albeit rapidly -- not wanting to test her patience too far.
Ellie continues to be content playing with a few simple objects, in spite of the variety of toys she has at her disposal. She enjoys looking at books with colorful artwork and anything that has lights (she laughed when she looked up near the ceiling of the Mexican restaurant and saw Christmas lights)! Our favorite sounds are her coos and other experimental noises she makes with her mouth. Nathan and I take turns as to which one gets to take her out of her crib as she gives the biggest smiles and makes the happiest noises to see that person walk through her bedroom door!


Anonymous said...

Hi to all 3 of you!! It sounds like Ellie is a happy camper! That helps Mommy and Daddy I'm sure. If she understood the concept of heaven, she would think she were there---because her life has changed so much!! Your comments about getting her up from her naps, remind us of when Audrey was a newborn. Grandpa Jack and Grandma Ruth timed each other as we held her. This was to be sure we each got equal time!! Give Ellie kisses and hugs from us. Thanks for being so generous to share your precious, sweet baby with all the family. Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth

Anonymous said...

What a difference in that first picture we saw of Ellie and today!!!! I think her eyes could apply for statehood!!!
Talking about her waking up reminds me that the most precious moments with my boys was walking in to get them either first thing in the morning or after a nap. Made all the struggles worthwhile to see them grin.
loveu, Aunt Dianna