

Monday, November 13

This morning we learned that our paperwork was submitted on Friday to the courts. The Bethany rep had been hopeful that she would get a date assigned for us the same day but apparently the judges will draw lots to see which one will handle our case, then set our date according to his/her schedule. So, we wait again for the next bit of information which should come "sometime this week."

Over the weekend we packed 2 of our 4 bags. We also made a little video of our house, including some video of our dog, Reagan, to introduce Ellie to what we'll be bringing her home to. We've spent a lot of time wondering how Ellie and Reagan will respond to each other when they first meet. We've thought it might be good to be home a day or so with Ellie before bringing Reagan back from the place where he'll be staying so Ellie can get comfortable here before we introduce the sometimes very exciteable dog!

Thanks for continuing to pray for us in this process! We hope our next post has more definitive news!


Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil,

It has been afew weeks since I've checked your blog, but just today I was wondering if you would be in Albania for Thanksgiving. I am so excited about the progress of your getting to meet little Ellie and I love the bedroom you've set up for her. I can just feel the love and anticipation in every choice and detail. Your hearts are so full and bursting and yet you are still in the States and precious Ellie is in Albania. We are praying for you daily. I love your video idea...what fun for her! You are such super parents to her already. You are thinking of her and her needs. She is so lucky to have you! Wish you could stop in Hungary for a visit...ha! Hoping it will work in the summer. We all love you so much.

Cydil said...

Hey friends! Thanks so much for your kind words! It's so great to hear from you! As for stopping in Hungary for a visit, we would schedule our return trip through BP in a heartbeat if it wasn't for the fact that Ellie will have an Albanian passport...which limits our flight options enormously. We really did try to see if we could make it work! We are planning on seeing y'all in June, though, with the Asbury team, Lord willing!