

Learning By Osmosis

Reni now requests to take a book to naptime with him and I'm happy to oblige (it's easier than laying on the floor until he falls asleep!).  This is how we found him a few minutes later!  For the shot above, I just held the camera up over my head, pointed down and clicked.  I didn't think it turned out too bad for a blind shot!

Ni Hao Yall


I don't know what to name this post...

Christian Alliance For Orphans - Dennis Rainey from Justin Heglund on Vimeo.

This brief video (1:49) has been online for a while, but I just discovered it today.  I'm sharing it because it encapsulates what transformation happened for Nathan and I through bringing Ellie and Reni into our home.  And that's why last weekend was so cool -- to connect (in person) with a greater community of women who share the same heart experience.  I must admit the first time I read Mr. Rainey's quote a few months ago (something to the effect of), "We need the orphan more than the orphan needs us,"  it didn't sit right with me.  Watch the video and listen to what he says and think about it for yourself.  I'd love to talk about it with someone sometime!

This afternoon we travel to WGM's headquarters with 3 vans full of students for 2 nights.  As it's sometimes easy to think of the mission only in terms of the student center here on campus or the missionaries who come through our doors on Sunday nights, we'll be giving our student cabinet a glimpse of another side of the mission:  the folks who work day in and day out to support those on the field through accounting, publishing, coordinating volunteers, member care, and more!  We're thrilled that Jonathan and Faith, the couple who will be replacing us in this position, are able to come along.  So as you pray for traveling mercies on our behalf, you can also lift up the transition and the relationship building that will commence between former cabinet, newly elected cabinet, and the new directors.  It will be a fun time!  Our kids are excited too at the prospect of hanging out with the students for an extended amount of time.  You can pray that the change in routine will be fun and not (too) exhausting!  It's really a whirlwind trip.

And for those of you who are related to me on my mom's side... I just posted Alec and Elyse's engagement session on my photo blog!  I think you'll agree that my youngest cousin is just beautiful!


Spring in Kentucky

I had an amazing weekend!  Since I'm finding it difficult to put my thoughts about it into words, you can read some great write-ups from one of my roomies here and next-door-neighbor here.  Suffice it to say that I'm realizing that it's good to participate in times like this past weekend which keep my heart soft so I can be sensitive to what He has to say. If you're an adoptive or foster mom and have ever considered attending Created For Care, you need to sign up for the next retreat, whenever that's going to be! You won't be disappointed!

Tonight after supper we were going to commence on some much-needed garage organizing.  That good intention didn't happen, largely because Reni and Els got on their bikes for a few laps around the parking lot and that turned into an impromptu photo and video shoot, followed by the arrival of company.  Nathan thought it would be a neat idea to attach the GoPro to Reni's helmet. Not so much.  We settled for attaching it to the handle bars.

Once he was on and could see where he was going, we were super proud of our boy for propelling himself much more easily with his AMBUCS tryke -- a testimony to his increased strength since last summer when we largely had to push him with the attached handle bar in the rear!

  Evidence that these photos were spontaneous:  a little spaghetti sauce on Reni's face and black bean skin on Ellie's teeth.  Just keepin' it real here.

Ellie wondered why I couldn't stop laughing.  When I showed her the photo below she proudly exclaimed, "I lost my tooth! I lost my tooth!"

Obviously, she's yet to lose her first tooth or else she know that you would FEEL the gap, not just perceive one visually. ;-)

I love the little tongue of concentration sticking out below.

 Our buddy Bryce dropped by.  Reni ADORES Bryce, who himself is quite adept with a 'cycle.

The following pics are just to show off some of the beauty in bloom around our yard right now.  Nathan quipped that these photos make our yard look better than it really does.  I think you could say our blossoming plants and bulbs are a little on the sparse side.

 I think in 13 springs, this is the first time I've seen our itty bitty dogwood bloom.  Better late than never!

I wish you could smell our lilac bush!  I smelled it before I saw the blossoms when I came home yesterday!  Trusting that you are enjoying evidence of God's spring gifts wherever you are right now!


Prayer for Albania

I came across this beautiful video this evening (thank you, Stephanie!).  I encourage you to join your heart in praying along with the narrator as you view images of the beautiful country that gave us our children and which we will soon call our new home!

This video is courtesy of


Thankful for people who give

The night before Nathan flew to Haiti, he welcomed a group of men to the student center from Pennsylvania who gave up their time and spent a lot of money on gas and mileage to travel to Kentucky.  Why?  They possess a skills in HVAC and  a love for God and missions.  We were in need of a furnace and they had the ability to install one for us.  Isn't that generous and amazing?  So as not to disrupt the schedule of activities here, they came over our spring break. When I arrived home Thursday night, just hours after they left, this is what I found.  I can't say that I've ever been so bowled over by a furnace room before.  I really wish I had "before" pics!

The first thing I saw:

We now have SEPARATE systems for each floor so we can heat or cool only the areas we need.  AND we can change the thermostat on our phone if need be!  Compared to what we used to have, this looks like it could fly an airplane.

If you could have seen what we had before, the men moved all the ductwork to make a better use of the space and WOW what a difference that makes!

Gentlemen, we are humbled and blessed.  THANK YOU!


Hello, Goodbye ...

Apparently that's how Ellie felt about our visit to Mom and Dad's this week.  Hence, she's only pictured once in this post.  Her tears were numerous and she didn't calm down until miles of road were behind us.  Even as we approached Louisville, she asked if we could turn around the car.  Yes, indeed.
And yes, Reni desperately needs a hair cut.

Buckled in and ready to hit the road!

The clutter behind Reni is stacks of empty boxes we brought back to Kentucky for packing!


Grandpa Van's House

Sunday evening we met my Grandpa and Marilyn for supper out, followed by a visit afterwards at their home.   

In the photo below, Ellie is asking Marilyn about her cat, Pooh, and why he died.  That was followed by questions about why his body is in the back yard but his spirit is in heaven (according to Marilyn!  I wasn't about to get involved in theology at this point).  Poor Marilyn.  Ellie was relentless in her questions.

The next series of photos is to document Reni's pure desire to just jump, bounce, roll, fall, and hurl his body through space.  Oh, and did I mention he's an expert now at removing his pants any chance he has? He's a two year old boy!  Grandpa and Marilyn's couch cushions took a beating!

 Check out the air below him!  Pretty impressive for a kid with no feet, ankles, or knees!

And we crash land and do it all over again...

Coming Home Early

Nathan's on his way home from Haiti, three days earlier than anticipated.  The young man above (Zack, 19) lost his mother in an automobile accident yesterday morning. Due to some God-moved mountains, Nathan was able to accompany him on his flights home (the remainder of the team is in capable hands as a team member's father as well as a local contractor friend who has been to Haiti before were also part of the group).  Zack and Nathan arrive in Lexington this evening.

As I was driving in the car yesterday I thought of all the milestones Zack will miss sharing with his mom: graduation, wedding, children...  I spoke with his girlfriend a few minutes ago who stopped by to get his wallet and car keys which were left here at the center.  She said his mom was looking forward to watching him perform in the musical in 2 weeks.

It's a privilege to serve the students of Asbury and be, as Dr. Gray reminded me in an e-mail this afternoon, the tangible Body of Christ.  Thanks for praying for Zack and his family.  You can read a message from him on the team's blog site:


Emily's Wedding

Last week we got to see my cousin Emily marry!  It feels like ages since I've attended a wedding as a guest and it was a lot of fun! Forgive me for keeping the camera in the car 'til the reception (Reni slept on my lap throughout the entire ceremony so I couldn't have take photos then if I wanted to)!  Oh!  And hello to "Ruth" a blog reader who introduced herself at the reception!  That's only happened to me one other time, I think, and was pretty cool!  I appreciate your interest in our family's story!

These pics feel a bit disjointed, but here goes...

Here Reni is demonstrating one of his Kindle Fire apps to my cousin Rachel's son, Caleb.

Once Reni got over his reticence, we couldn't keep he and his sister off the dance floor! 

(Above) Sisters, Elyse and Emily
(Below) Cousins, Derek and Hannah

 (Below)  My mom with 2 of her 3 sisters.  Aunt Marcia (middle) was MOB.  I think she could have passed for a bridesmaid!  Seriously.
Mom and Aunt Miriam are sporting hair pieces they bought on their last sisters' weekend specifically for the wedding!

Ellie was DESPERATE to dance with the bride.  Emily was a great sport and Ellie was thrilled!

At the end of the night, Ellie was anxious to 'cuddle' with Gigi.


Spring Break 2012

I've got a couple more posts' worth of photos, but these are the ones I dumped to the laptop tonight...

 The city kids are so excited to be on the farm, they happily sit in the back of a parked pick up truck.

 This week Dad did some used-tractor shopping.

We're grateful that home-schooling can be done from anywhere!  Here's Ellie working on her lessons on Tuesday.

If you have a driver's license in this family, you will undoubtedly be called upon to move a truck somewhere. Don't ask me why I took the photo above.  I don't really remember myself.

 This container was delivered on Monday.  I will hold the bulk of our earthly possessions after our summer move.

Last night we stopped by my grandparents' home for a visit...

This morning we had a play date with my cousin Heidi's daughter, Jaedyn and Addy.  The weather couldn't have been more perfect!  (Just a tad windy)

Grateful for 2nd cousins that we'll get to see much more often soon!

P.S.  Ate supper at the Harvest Cafe in Delavan.  All I can say is, "Wow."  Never imagined a place like that could be found so close to home!  Try the French Onion soup.  You won't be disappointed!

P.S. #2 -- at said restaurant above, we were waited on by a former Albanian MK (missionary kid) that I've only ever seen in Albania.  Double surprise!