

November Re-Wind | A Visit from the McGradys

When I think back on November 2016, our visit from the McGradys will kick off my list of memories!  Though they were only here for a few short days (the 1st through the 4th), it was still a meaningful time!

Ned and Marlene head up WGM's member health department which has more responsibilities than I can list! In spite of all the people they are in charge of,caring for, you would never know it spending time with them.  They are so gifted at loving people well.  Their stop in Albania was their first to Albania and their first on a multi-field pass through this region of the world to check in on how we are all doing.

I think it has only been in the last 15-20 years that the Church has come to understand the toll cross-cultural life and ministry takes on missionaries and their families.  We appreciate that WGM (our sending agency) understands this and gives us the tools to not only survive, but thrive in our calling.  This comes through training, debriefing, coaching, and supporting missionaries, and not just during and for times of crises.

Sadly, I only have a handful of photos from their time with us.  Including a poorly focused phone pic of Marlene playing Go Fish with the kids.  She brought this card game over as a gift for the kids and they loved it and played it several times since.

Ned and Marlene, thanks for everything, including putting up with a particularly chilly visit and poor electricity!  You were troopers!  You're welcome back any time! :-)

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