

Christmas Traditions | The Hope Center

Living far from home, we find comfort and a sense of stability in maintaining traditions -- perhaps even more consistently than we did before we moved to Albania.  One of those traditions at this time of year is our annual Christmas photos and cooking decorating at the Hope Center.

Reni teaches the teens Go Fish!

This year there are seven new youth so cooking decorating was brand new for them!  We made the cookies and icing up ahead of time and brought them along with sprinkles and piping bags for an evening of fun.

It's amazing the things we take for granted -- like baking in the family kitchen.
This isn't the same thing, but doing it together in community, adds to the joy.  Next year we need to remember to have a decorating contest.  I think we're all so into the fun of decorating, that we forget to delay the gratification and eat our treats as soon as they are finished!

The photo below melts my heart.  Reni gets so much love every where we go, it takes him a while to warm up to folks, but he's got a buddy in Mr. K.

And the game they are playing?  It's a timed game that might just give a slight electrical shock if you're the last one to punch in when the light changes color (or if you squeeze too early)!

The game below (Bounce Off) is pretty simple but they really enjoyed it!

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