

Keepin' it Together

Every night as we tuck the kids in bed Ellie announces the next number in the countdown -- the number of sleeps until the Asbury team comes.

There are a lot of reasons why the kids are extra excited about this particular set of visitors.

Reni remembers the 'guy time' he had with the group that came 2 years ago.  I've tried to prepare him for the fact that it will be a different group of people this time.  Sorry buddy, Bryce has graduated and has a job.

Our budding guitar-ist (Ellie) is looking forward to in-person guitar lessons from a real expert (Jonathan) and not just some guy on YouTube.  "He says, 'Good job!', Mom, and he can't even hear me!   Then he moves on before I'm ready!"  she says of YouTube teacher Andy.

The grown-ups know that visitors generate a buzz in the village.  Friends coming from the States will return with a new understanding of where we live and what we do.  They will have names and faces that will be familiar next time they read one of our updates.

But it's not just Asbury.  We have three college interns coming for 7 weeks just two days after the team leaves.  Then we have two families coming in early June!

How in the world am I keeping it together?  It's a lot of planning -- from schedules, to meals, to transportation and housing. (But I think a weird part of me likes the thrill of the challenge...)

I've always been a list maker.  I think the physical act of writing down all those rapid-fire thoughts racing through my brain helps me feel a greater sense of control -- I can't be surprised by something I forgot to do because the written reminder itself will be its own insurance from forgetfulness, right?

Then my tech-y husband introduced me to Google Keep last fall.  I'm in love.  It's on my phone and always open on my laptop.  Google Keep is my digital list of lists. And I have never used it more than I have in the last two months.

On Keep I can jot down titles of Albanian worship songs to look up online later.  I can keep my ever-running list of groceries or to what errands we need to run on our next trip to Tirana.

I have a running list of what we usually bring from the States so when someone asks what they can send us, I can suggest something lighter in weight than peanut butter, my default answer.

I have a list of projects for the volunteers to tackle this summer and a list of supplies we need to borrow or purchase to furnish the interns' rental house.

I can also store a photo of that random item I need to buy at the store when only a photo will adequately show the clerk what we're looking for.

But it's not just out of a weird need to be in control, I also believe (and hope) that with good planning I can enjoy myself more while our guests are here!  We can squeeze more into our time together with the right planning.  If I cook ahead, that means less time spent in food prep and clean up and more time with people.  If I have that list of what I need at the hardware store, Nathan won't have to make a special trip later because we forgot that 'one thing' the last time we were there.

(Oh yeah, I can share my lists with Nathan's phone too -- it auto syncs).

No, this is not a sponsored blog post.
But yes, now I can check off 'post to the blog' on my list of 'things to do.'

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