

Over the Ocean and Through the Airport to Albania They Did Go...

Visitors from home are always a highlight -- especially when they come about somewhat spontaneously!  After the property purchase next door, we really wanted my Dad to be here to consult on the next steps of property development.  

Needless to say, his trip was full of meetings.  Meetings with the architect, meetings with a contractor we have used for previous projects, and meetings with the mayor of our zone (for legalities).

But it was also good for reconnecting.  We documented a lot of Dad's visit on his camera, so I don't have some of memories of the more 'fun' times, like crashing the women's Bible Study, hosting a game night for the men, and visiting homes.

Below, Dad asks Bardha to pose with his walking stick.

Dad was accompanied by his neighbor, Norm (below right).  Norm has been to literally every continent (including Antarctica), but he'd never been to Albania.  He took great care of Dad and fit in so well with our family.  He was a blessing!

One Sunday afternoon we had some of the staff over for coffee and dessert.  Lots and lots of laughing.  After unity in the Spirit, I think humor is the glue for any team.

Before we knew it, it was Thanksgiving morning and time to say goodbye!

Thanks for coming, Gjyshe!

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