

It's Transition Time!

  • Last night Ellie asked if we could put "airplane noise" on the sound machine so she could 'practice' going to sleep on an airplane.  Apparently I've said one too many times that she struggles to sleep on the plane.
  • This morning we vacuumed out our van and attempted to "mouse proof" it with moth balls and dryer sheets before putting it in storage.  Just minutes later Mom needed to take Hannah to work but her vehicle was blocked in, so she took our van.  The kids wanted to join her.  We resumed our packing and before long, Ellie was running in the house hollering.  Apparently while sitting in our newly cleaned van, Reni saw the moth balls and licked one before he could be stopped.   His story:  "I thought they were coconut lollipops without the sticks."  [Sigh]  I thought six-year-olds new better.  Oh yeah, he's a boy.
  • Good news for travelers = weighing your luggage and finding you have 12 free pounds in your luggage.
  • We're down to packing carry-ons.  This is a good sign.  A very good sign!  Going to confirm our flights now!

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