

Another Countdown... | Team Xh update

On Tuesday, Mandi picked Xh up from her village home on the mountain.  We wish we could have been there, but we were chasing down the last steps of renewing Reni's Albanian passport in Elbasan that day. (Lord willing, it should be ready in June!)

We heard there were lots of tears and hugs, and I am not surprised.  This is quite an unusual experience for a girl her age who is typically already engaged by now, and whose impending 'trip' is a move to a new family, not to a hospital bed on the other side of the world.

She has been kept busy this week with a trip to the dentist and hairdresser.  She's gotten new clothes for her journey and she wanted to pick them out herself -- a luxury which she's probably not been blessed to enjoy much, if ever, before. She's had her first taste of pizza and dipped her toes in the sea, also for the first time.

Yesterday she joined us for a final "Team Xh" meeting at our home in Vlashaj where we were pleased to meet Herta (Xh's guardian for these months of treatment) for the first time and discuss some final details regarding the ladies' upcoming weeks in the States.

Would you take the opportunity of reading this post to pray right now for Herta and Xh? In 48 hours they will be on a plane across the Atlantic.  We know that Xh is encountering so many new things -- even now before she leaves Albania!  Her biggest encounters are yet to come!

We also know that Herta shoulders a tremendous responsibility as she stands in as the role of guardian.  The course of Xh's treatment is not going to be an easy path.  I'm sure she would covet your prayers for wisdom, love, understanding, patience, and peace...

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