

And she's gone already... | a visit re-cap

[Editor's Note:  two days without internet feels like an eternity!  Happy to be online again!]
Our seven days with Mom/Gigi flew by quickly and before we knew it, it was time to be back at the airport again!
We grabbed a coffee to steal a few more minutes...

But the goodbyes were inevitable.
Reni refuses to feel hurt and pain by announcing he won't cry and won't miss her anyway. (A pretty typical reaction for TCKs, we've been told).
Ellie, on the other hand, was all tears, running through the litany of things she would miss or be unable to do until she saw her Gigi again.

Until next time we will remember fun memories like...
Making Christmas cookies in a warm bath of afternoon sunshine

Introducing her to the national park at the Cape... (so fun to take Gigi to a place in Albania she's never seen before!)

Forging new trails...

To see spectacular new views (this state-owned ground was closed to the public for decades as a military outpost and is just now being re-discovered)
We visited old friends and made new ones... (I've not been permitted to share all of our pics here just yet!)
Mom got to share a special Christmas message at our Wednesday evening women's gathering...
But mostly we just did regular life!  She shared the kids' room and helped with dishes and cooking and even wore the 'teacher hat' in our homeschooling one day (yah, we were spoiled).  Gigi, you can come back any day!  Just promised you'll bring Gjyshe!

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