

3 for 3

We are still here!  We are still alive in spite of our relative silence on the blog! ;-)

The last three weeks are a bit of a blur, to be honest.  This morning in the wee hours of the morning we put our third guest in as many weeks on a plane.

Tim figured out how to win a place in our kids' hearts: by sharing his iPad and a few special games right up their alley!

Tim is the VP of Int'l Ministries for WGM.  He gave us some great insight on working more effectively in our context, in addition to some wonderful encouragement.

I know, I know.  We try to be more judicious in our planning, but visit dates shifted, others fell through completely, and this is how it turned out!  Three guests in three weeks.  We are blessed to have been so loved!  I would say 'back to the real world', but we've been doing our regular duties with a few extra fun things thrown in, in between.

Regular programs in the village have continued, though I have few photos to show for them.  In fact, with Genti and Shpresa's absence, Nathan and I facilitated two adult Bible studies and a church service solo last week!

Tomorrow we leave for a couple of days' worth of meetings with missionaries from across Albania.  There will be a program for the kids and ours are thrilled with the prospect of making new friends and seeing some 'old' ones from co-op.  We are looking forward to the fellowship and continuing to learn how to do our job better.  As with just about everything, the longer we are here, the more we realize we have yet to learn!

As you think of our Els, would you pray for her?  Her little bird, Marie, flew the coop this afternoon.  Ellie was playing with her on our balcony and forgot to check that the window was closed.  Ellie burst into the house very upset and I could sense before she spoke what had happened. We went out and could see Marie's bright yellow body flying above the village and then against the trees on the hills in the distance for several minutes, then she flew out of sight.  Squanto has been chirping Marie's typical song over and over and we've hoped that the sound would draw Marie back 'home', but it seems unlikely.

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