

Put on your racing gloves!

Earlier this month we had a bit of an issue with attendance at kids club.  For a couple of weeks we'd start Saturday morning with a packed yard full of kids playing, then when it was time to go inside, a lot had better things to do.  Some would come in for a few minutes, then leave and a many would get up and follow. One Saturday it was only a circle of girls (and if you know how few girls attend, that tells you something!)  It was frustrating on many levels.  I don't know all of the dynamics at play.  There was a religious holiday one of the weekends... but I don't really know what was up.

Incidentally, Nathan had started keeping attendance with the help of a phone app (partially for reporting purposes but also to help us learn the names of our less frequent attenders).  At one point after a slew of kids got up and left I determined we'd institute a reward system for those who were faithful.  Knowing how much they loved playing our Wii (we've only gotten it out twice in the year since we've been here), I thought a "Wii party" would be something they'd relish. Yesterday morning near the end of Kid's Club meeting we wrote the names on the board of the kids who had come to 3 of the 4 gatherings in October.  Then they signed up for slots to come back later in the afternoon to play a 4-player car racing game on our Wii.

Several others came just to watch, even though they couldn't play.  Everybody enjoyed Coke and cookies.

Wiiii expect to have better attendance next month! ;-)

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