

Tracing back to the beginning ...

As our family waits on the cusp of moving to the village in a few short months, we know there are a lot of people who have worked over the years to make this possible.  From the generous, faithful friends who support us every month to be here, to the folks who cover us in prayer, to our Albanian friends and colleagues who make sure we're legal on the road to drive there and help us communicate where our language skills are lacking...

It might be easy to forget that we wouldn't even be dreaming of moving to Vl*sh if it wasn't for a kind-hearted woman opening her home to Planters fifteen years ago this month.  You may not know that the thriving children's club that meets every Saturday originally started as a gathering by a spring.  As that little group grew, a larger space was needed and at personal risk Ms. B opened up her front yard, then eventually her home, to foreigners and 'their religion'.

Circumstances in her life turned out in ways that she probably never could have imagined and she had to leave the village with a portion of her family and made a new home in the big port city of Durres.  With no husband to protect or provide, life has been more than challenging.  But a few folks haven't forgotten Ms. B's generosity in literally opening her gates (and thus her village) to the Gospel message.

On Good Friday Mandi and I had the privilege of delivering some practical goods to Ms B, her daughter, and granddaughter.  We are thankful for some specific partners in America who have visited Albania on short-term teams, know these stories and needs, and faithfully sent a gift so we can show Ms B in a very small way that God has not forgotten them, He hears, and He cares.

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