

Christmas Eve in Darshen

Christmas Eve dawned overcast, but thankfully dry.  A winter sun would occasionally break through the winter time cloud cover.  After several weeks of planning we were finally making the trip up and over the mountain to deliver a little taste of Christmas to the village of Darshen.  

We are so grateful how one of our supporters had a burden to help our Albanian friends, brainstormed with us about ideas, then shared it with her church.  She raised almost quadruple our goal, and together we were able to tangibly show Christ's love to a people who could easily feel 'forgotten.'

After we all had coffee with the mayor, Mandi and Xhina share the Christmas story with the children of the village. 

Thanks to the generosity of another partner, we were able to purchase gifts for each of the thirteen school-aged children.  Ellie was thrilled to act as "Santa" and deliver the presents.  They were received quietly and politely, honoring instructions not to open them until getting home.

Nathan shares the meaning of Christmas and expresses why we give gifts at this time of year.

One of the school teachers assisted with the distribution while Mandi checked his roster of family names.

The food bags included 4 bags of pasta, sugar, rice, cooking oil, corn starch, salt, bars of hand soap, shampoo, cookies, and chocolate spread as a treat.

Thanks to the children of Calvary Bible Church in Rutland, Vermont we were able to give each family a copy of The Jesus Storybook Bible; Every Story Whispers His Name in Albanian.  If you don't have a copy for your family, we highly recommend it!  It shows how every story in the Bible points to the coming Deliverer, Jesus!

Thank you, friends, for your generosity which gives us the opportunity to serve here!

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