

Big Day. A Big, Big Day.

with Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth in Indiana a week ago last Sunday, the 21st.

Today our Reni boy turned four.  He requested donuts for breakfast (a special treat -- I don't even know where he got that idea!). Later we joined up with Gigi and Gjyshe, Tua and Pippa for an afternoon in town. He got a Happy Meal for lunch (which he called a present to himself, whatever that means) and time at the play place.  Then he jumped, and rolled, and bounced, and giggled, and slid, and laughed some more at Monkey Joe's.  He was the perfect age for the bounce house and amazed everyone with his ability to access just about everything independently.  We had the family over for supper tonight, including "all the cousins".  He was excited about his cake, his presents, and all the special attention. Nonna and Papa called on the phone and chatted a bit, then he wanted to get back to enjoying his gifts.  Our hearts are a pile of mush about this little boy who is our son and I'm glad someone had the idea to make a big deal out of birthdays so we can 'push pause' on life to have a day to celebrate those we love.  I promise photos will be forthcoming...

As if all that wasn't enough we had two other momentous experiences today...

If you are a frequent visitor to our lil' blog, you might remember the photo of a special little boy from Reni's former orphanage in Elbasan.  It's been sitting on the right hand margin of this blog for fifteen months. We met him three years ago as an infant, then during our return trip in February 2012 the Sisters BEGGED us to 'find him a family.'  Oh, if only it was that easy.  It's been a long wait and I had even considered taking his photo down, but on Friday I was contacted by a couple who was hoping to call him their son. Unbeknownst to me, they had been pursuing him for a while... BUT, they just learned last week that they were not exactly eligible to adopt from Albania.  Yesterday a special meeting of the Albanian Adoption Committee was called (right before the August recess) and I learned today that the committee granted an exemption to this couple so they could continue working towards bringing him home!!!  Nathan and I were high-fiving each other in the kitchen and remarking over and over throughout the day how happy we were to get this wonderful news. JM has a family!!!  Praise God!

Finally, I can't believe I'm typing this but (drumroll)... we bought our tickets to Albania today!  It's remarkable the provision that has come in during this past month-- just the past couple of days!  It's all part of God's confirmation for us that we don't want to forget.  The travel agent warned us, "They're non-refundable!"  We assured her that we had had time to think about it and we most definitely wanted to buy these tickets.  Now that we have a departure date, (September 9) we can start planning the next pieces of our transition to Albania. We can't wait to share this news with all of those who have jumped behind us with their support. God has been so good to us.

Now, to try to go to sleep tonight. What a day.... what a day.

1 comment:

Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

We are so excited for you and all that God has done!!!! Such wonderful faithfulness from our Father!!! He is so good and we love hearing the stories He has given you to share of His faithfulness. Keep sharing!!!!