

Quotables | Man Overboard!

Images from reading time yesterday afternoon...  Ellie felt superior because she was reading 'true' stories and not imaginary stories.  I think having a brother has made her competitive. This time, Reni didn't really care.

The other night in family devotions we read the story of Jonah.  Ellie is quite familiar with this account from the Bible so to introduce it from a different perspective I asked, "Do you know that many people say that Jonah was the first missionary?  That he went to tell others about God just like we're going to Albania to tell people about Jesus?"

To which Ellie replied, "I hope our pilot doesn't throw us out of the airplane!"
We quickly assured her that Jonah was willingly thrown overboard because he was running AWAY from God's call and not towards it!

Other Ellie quotes (in case you missed them on Twitter):

(6/28) "I thought I got bit by a lion!" E after her first encounter with an electric fence, visiting my cousin's hobby farm. "I thought my bones would fall out!"

(6/23) "I don't want to have a baby in my tummy... 'cause then they'd have to dissect me to get it out."

(6/28) "Mom, Did Pontius Pilate fly airplanes?"

(6/12) "I'm going to watch the Jesus movie so I can get tight with Jesus."

(6/2) "I'm gonna marry that boy!" Ellie, after the teen waiter at Bonanza delivered her hot chocolate chip cookies to our table.

(5/18) Nathan: Reni, you're heavier than 4 gallons of milk!
Ellie: Well, I'm heavier than a frozen TURKEY! 

(5/16) At Shriners Hospital registration desk to the intake person, Ellie: "Is this school? I haven't been to school in a REALLY long time!" !

(5/15) Watching her dad jump rope, Ellie said, "You're shaking the whole earth!!!"

(5/3) Ellie: "Wait, wait, wait. I can do better than that." After her brother prayed to bless lunch...

(4/9) Ellie:  "I want to go to heaven badly. I'll bring my brother and my ."

(4/4) Ellie: "Do I have to die to go to heaven? I don't want to die. I'm gonna have to think of another way to get there!"

(About the talking bird she wants to get in Albania) "He'll talk like a human. He'll speak English."

(About moving to Albania and learning the language) I don't want to talk all weird and say stuff like, "Gooey, gooey, ploo ploo."

But Ellie's not alone in spouting memorable lines...

Me: What did you play tonight with the church kids at the park? 
Reni: "A ball game. It was called 'throw it at the kid'." 
[aka Dodgeball?]

(6/12) About wearing a tie, "That's only for marrying a girl."

(6/6) "In a lot of days, after I grow up, I will buy you another one, Mommy." Reni after he broke my highlighter.

(4/23) Reni:  "Only daddies are drivers. Not mommies. They can't turn around, back up, or turn left!" Apparently I'm raising a chauvinist!

(4/18) Visiting Ford's Theater, Reni asks. "When's the MOVIE going to start???"

(3/23) About to chew a piece of gum, 3 y/o Reni asked, "Do I chew on my left teeth or (pausing, pointing to right cheek, then points to his left) or my 2nd left?"

Jonah illustration from this book (great for holding the attention of the 3-5 yr range).

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