

Celebrating Nathan

Last Friday we celebrated Nathan's birthday.  It was pretty low-key during the day.  I ordered a game that we were introduced to by our friends, Ricky and Aiden, when we visited them in January.
What do you do when your gift wrap is in storage?  Give your children markers and let them have at it on the shipping box.  One of the drawings is supposed to be a tornado. 

We can't wait to play this game with our friends next winter in Albania! 

Later in the day, the kids spent the night at Mom and Dad's and Nathan, Stephen, Rachel, and I enjoyed a kid-free evening starting with supper in Manito and returning back home for coffee, dessert, and trying out Nathan's new game!  I had so much fun I forgot my camera!
Thankful for Nathan's life and the blessing of being his wife! 

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