

Over Hill 'n Dale...

Did you know that western PA is hilly?  Like REALLY hilly?  I've been here before, but not while driving an RV, powered by a diesel engine. You tend to notice each and every incline a little more (especially when they boast names like "Slippery Rock" or "Breakneck Hill").   Poor Winnie chugs up and up a hill, slower and slower, while cars zip past us at 65+ mph.  We're past any pride issues though.  After all, we're driving a 1985 Winnebago. ;-)

Thankfully, Winnie has been holding up well!  Unless you count the cabinet door that just fell apart and landed on the floor after a bad bump (I blame the end-of-winter condition of the roads). 

Or the front passenger seat that decided a few days ago to lurch forward like an ejection seat -- she won't stay back and upright without a serious pound. 

Or the rear medicine cabinet latch that just fell off for no reason, leaving us with a swinging mirror over the rear window (it kind of messes with your eyes).

But don't worry.  These little hiccups are MINOR.  They actually make us laugh! We still love our Winnie and are grateful for the blessing of a little house on wheels while we travel.

Speaking of travel, we're getting our hearts filled up by time spent with some wonderful people.  I hope that we can be a blessing in return!

Saying 'goodbye' to Nonna in Ohio...

We got to meet the Chaneys in person, also in the process of raising support to go serve as missionaries to Albania (not the same agency as us)!

Ellie's becoming quite the little photographer!  She got this great pic of us here we are with college friend, Jessica, and her husband, Dave.  It's so cool to see where our friends call home, even if it's almost twenty years later!  Especially when they live in the heart of Amish country and treat you to an Amish buffet!!
Not many know that the Salvation Army is also a church! Our friends David and Pam Rhodes are Captains at the Greensburg, PA Corps. As soon as we announced our travel schedule last summer, they invited to share at their Sunday morning worship service ("Holiness Meeting"). It was so neat to see them at work in their roles!  They are so obviously where God would have them, using their giftings serving in the "Army". After church we enjoyed lunch with many of the church folks, and then we shared again at the missionary service afterwards.
Lo and behold, who happened to also find themselves in Greensburg that weekend but fellow Asburians, Andrew and Summer Gross!  We all ate supper together on Saturday night, then they came to church to hear us share!  (Summer actually visited Albania in 1992 where her team constructed a wall around the Tirana kids orphanage -- the one across the street from the American Emb*ssy!)
After recovering from 5 hours of church (smile), we visited a city park that the kids absolutely loved.  The nice weather didn't hurt anything either!

He said, "Come and sit by me, Momma!"

On our way to Ellwood City (where we are now), we stopped for lunch with a Kenyan MK (missionary kid) friend that we've known for years.  Annette and her husband have a huge heart for kids with special needs.  After giving birth to their daughter who happened to have Downs Syndrome, they decided to adopt a baby boy ("S") with downs, which led to another adoption ("M"), and now possibly a fourth special little one to come home soon!  They have an amazing play room with all kinds of sensory toys.  Ellie and Reni were eager to test ride the "egg" swing...

... and the platform swing!

 We so gotta figure out how to install one of these in Albania!  Check back soon for some fun video of Reni navigating the playground.  I've been told the blog doesn't nearly convey the speed of his mobility!

1 comment:

Kjernald Family Adventures said...

I am so jealous that you got to see Pam and Dave and they got to see you...I so wish I could have been there too! Miss you all so much.
