

Gezuar Vitin e Ri! Happy New Year 2013!

Gezuar Vitin e Ri!  Happy New Year!

It's been a very relaxing week and a half of Christmas break.  I think I really needed these days of no schedule, visits with family, playing games and watching movies.  It's no secret that I have a hard time relaxing, but this week I gave myself a pass.  Tomorrow it will all start back up again.  And that's not to say it hasn't been bugging me slightly that my camera's memory card is filling up with images that need processed, sorted, and posted.  And that I have thank you notes that need written, Christmas decorations to put away, and an overflowing tray of paperwork to be filed...

No, I'm not going to think about it.  Instead, I'm going to remember some fun times with the kids and family today, here in the snowy, rolling hills of central Ohio.

Thanks to a gift card and post-Christmas doorbusters at Bergners, Reni and Ellie scored snow pants for a steal. I didn't know how practical the purchase might have been, but I figured they were cheaper than antibiotics and a walk-in clinic fee should even one of them get sick from too much time outside! Yes, Reni's legs look like the ends of tootsie-rolls thanks to his daddy sealing the ends with electrical tape (couldn't find any zip ties) to keep the cold and snow from creeping up his pant legs.

I love the image below with Aunt Rebecca!

We walked a short ways to a little hill on the edge of the development where Mom and Dad live to make some runs with the sleds ... the new stroller was great in the snow!  Yay!

Funny memory from today:
Reni crying because he got snow "sprinkles" on his face and it hurt, then quickly having a change of heart and deciding he LOVED snow, so much that he chomped on it for a good 10 minutes or so.

Our international snow man representing the countries of the Waggoner family ... We couldn't find sticks for arms so we used flags.. then we added Nathan's Albania scarf that he happened to be wearing...

We hit the road to go back to Illinois in the morning.  Hopefully I'll be able to publish some of the blog posts percolating in our brains, as well as share memories of special family times that we don't want to forget!
Now off to bed!  I have a feeling sleep will come easy tonight!

If the last few months are any indication, 2013 will fly in the blink of an eye!  All the more reason to blog!

1 comment:

Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

Looks like so much fun. I don't want to live in the land of snow, but wouldn't mind a day or 2 of it for the kids to play in. Every once in a while we do get enough snow for them to play, but didn't have any at all last year. The kids are hoping for some this year. We will see. It's colder than last year, but not cold enough for snow yet.