

100% Ellie

Our daughter Ellie is one of a kind.  If you've met her, you know what we mean.  Her imagination leaves us speechless (she is either going to be an author, a screen writer, video game designer, or something in the creative arts).  For waiting until she was nearly three years old to speak, she is now rarely at a loss for words. Ever asking us questions, she is constantly absorbing information and experiences and storing it away in her steel-trap of a mind. We usually marvel at the words she knows, frequently (and appropriately) utilizing phrases she's picked up along the way. Added to that, she doesn't know a stranger.  I love that she's at ease with so many people and helps even the most child-reticent soul feel like he has a knack with kids. It all results in some interesting and often humorous bits of conversation delivered throughout the day by an extraordinarily vibrant little girl.  

While most of the world uses Twitter to share news stories, personal opinion, or links to helpful articles, I primarily use my account to record the funny things our children say.  Until October (when Twitter and Google supposedly went to war), a visitor to our blog could also read our most recent tweets.  Since I no longer can post that feed (which, if you know a way to get it working again, I'm all ears), I thought I'd share some of the funny things that have come forth from the mouth of our Els...

Ellie Quotes

"You know how a cow has three stomachs? I think I have three stomachs today!" Asking for a refill of her cereal refill.

Searching for cereal, Ellie grabs a box of Corn Flakes in joy, only to set it back down w/disappointment. "It's CHICKEN food!   [you know, because of the big rooster on the front of the box]

Ellie: This shirt has stains! I can't wear it. 
Me: we're staying home today. 
Els: You mean no balls or dance parties?
['cause #thatshowweroll]

[Upon realizing that she's due for a visit to the dentist and there's nothing she can do to prevent it the spirit of "An apple a day keeps the doctor away..."]

"Doctors are stopped by apples and fruit, but dentists are tough! Nothing keeps them away!"

"Let's trap some frog and fire up the BBQ!" #elliequote 
Perhaps we've been watching a tad too much #DuckDynasty?

 "I wish it was spring..." #elliequote after making an emergency potty stop on a back country road in subzero temps.

"This is the worst Christmas ever... it'll never come!"#impatient

Me:What should we buy Daddy for Christmas? 
#elliequote: New, fast internet #countryliving #mykidisageek

#elliequote (after viewing an ad for a diet pill) "Does it take a long time to become UN-fat?"

[Considering the fact that being a grown-up may not be all it's cracked up to be...]
"Is "boring" {stuff} 'fun" for grown ups?" #elliequote #shopping

"I don't like goodbyes! My heart hurts! My brain hurts! My LUNGS hurt!" #elliequote

We saw some military personnel just now. Ellie asks, "Do they defeat GIANTS???"

"Reni keeps yelling out my eardrums!" #boysmakenoise

 I'm hibernating. I'll come out and do school in the spring!! 

Sneaking into her old home, Ellie a gives tour to her friends, "Don't you like what I've done to the place? Isn't it  beautiful?" Pointing to @jonboy017 's dog Pixie, "This is Spike and the cat is 'Doggie.'"

Leaving Lexington, KY church today Ellie said, "I felt a little homesick."
[Yeah, we did too, Els.]


These are just a few of the funny things that proceed from the mouth of Ellie Waggoner since October.  I'm sure she LOVES it that her mom has shared them with the world.  We're just proud of the special, special girl that God gave us in her!  In her ever-appropriate way of speaking, she was the missing puzzle piece!

P.S.  Friends and family, if you have a favorite Ellie quote, feel free to share it in the comments below!


Unknown said...

Loved this. Children have such great perspectives

All 4 My Gals said...

Oh how I miss seeing you all! I can't believe you were at church and I didn't get to see you. Give the beautiful kids a hug from me!

Doreen Nixon said...

She is such a special little girl and has made such great strides thanks to the love she
gets from her very special parents. She has a knack of looking at things in an open different
way and I am sure it will continue to blossom and grow and she gets older - loved that you shared
it with us. Be Blessed.