

My God Shall Supply All...

...  your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:19, NASB)

Late this afternoon we took a spontaneous family outing.  Well, it was more like I had two errands to run in Lexington, but due to scheduling issues, we were going to have a couple of hours in between dropping one item off (before closing) and picking up something else (when a friend got home from work). So in the spirit of summer's arrival we decided to take the kids to see a dollar movie. (I know -- we know how to have FUN! But seriously, that's a big treat for us.)  After finding a film that was agreeable to all parties (not an easy feat, mind you) at a theater in close proximity to where we would be, the most difficult decision was actually finding a place to grab a quick bite to eat.

Now if you know us, we are creatures of habit.  It's hard for us to branch out and try new restaurants.  And at those restaurants, we typically have our 'favorite' dishes and stick to those.  Unfortunately, we were in a part of town with a variety of restaurants, but none that were really familiar to us.  Laugh as you might, it was actually a fluke of how we hit lights and lanes and rush hour traffic that we found ourselves at a strip mall offering "Confusing Confections," "Buffalo Wild Wings" and "Penn Station."  In the interest of time and taste, our decision was pretty much made for us.

I was happy that it wasn't difficult to find something appealing for every member of our party so we placed our order then I took the kids pick out a booth while Nathan paid.  I was getting the kids situated at our table when Nathan came over with our drinks and said, "Did you see that guy over there running the cash register?  Does he look familiar to you?" 

I told Nathan that I thought I recognized him and asked if he was an Asbury grad to which Nathan said, "Yeah.  And you won't believe what he told me.  He said that while he was at Asbury the student center and Global Cafe really meant a lot to him and he wanted to pay for our supper!"

We just looked at each other and could only shake our heads.  It was really touching.  And humbling.  I don't know how to describe the feeling of receiving that kind of gift, so unexpectedly. 

As we transition to a new phase of life and leaning on God in new ways to provide, I have an anxious excitement about how that's going to unfold.  I know we are going to learn a LOT and if God's provision for our adoptions is any indication, the conduits of that provision will be as unexpected.  As such, I don't want to forget stories like these, where we saw God say, "You're taken care of."  Where He used a young man, working at a sub shop, to treat us to a $20 supper.  Thank you, Daniel.  You have no idea how you blessed us.


Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

These are the stories, the little gifts from God, that really do build our faith and keep us hoping and expecting. Thanks for sharing. Love how God blesses your family. It just reminds me of all the little things God has done for us, especially in bringing Andrew home.

The Wofford family said...

I was just reading a chapter of Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret last night about how he built his faith before he went to China by purposely putting himself in situations where he had to rely completely on God, and then when God provided, those became examples for his faith to hold on to in trying times. I will pray that these kind of examples will continue for you as you prepare to take this step of faith.

Aunt Ruth said...

How meaningful to hear this account!!! Only heaven will reveal all the lives that were touched by your family while you were at Asbury!! Thank you for sharing.