

It's Party Time!

On Tuesday night we hosted a party!  While it's not unusual to throw a shower for someone having a baby, in the adoption community, we have fundraisers (sometimes we have showers too, but we're most familiar with fundraisers)!  Being that this was our first, there was a lot of nervous anticipation -- would anyone come?  Did we sufficiently get the word out?

To back up a bit, this past year through our adoptive families group we reconnected with some college classmates, Bryan and Tammy Williams, who found themselves back in Wilmore for a season after serving overseas.  Having two homegrown kiddos and a daughter recently brought home through the blessing of adoption, we were super excited to learn that they were adopting again, and this time, a sweetheart with a lower limb difference.  Yeah, he's got one more foot than Reni, but hey, we are excited to know another family that will be joining this very exclusive club! ;-) Knowing that international adoption is expensive, and wanting to express our support, I approached Tammy with the prospect of a fundraising party.

Two years ago my friend Myra threw a similar party for the Kinnells for their second Ethiopian adoption.  I liked the concept and blatantly copied it.  Calling up some friends (as well as some friends of friends) I asked if they would ever so kindly want to participate in blessing a family through donating the proceeds of their business sales one night to help a family in the process of adoption.  I was thrilled with their responses!  With our businesses on board, Tammy and I planned a menu, made an invitation and Facebook event, and waited for May 15 to arrive!

We have no idea how many people came, but over the course of two hours there was a steady stream of guests.  Several of whom we had no idea how they heard about the fundraiser and many who didn't even know Bryan and Tammy personally (someone told us they found a flyer in the grade school office)!  Thank you to everyone who spread the word and invited friends! Bryan, Nathan, and another couple of folks (including some other dads who were brave enough to come) supervised the kids in the backyard so the moms could shop.  At the highest point, Nathan said he counted thirty children!  Before the event began, I snapped some photos of the tables all set up.  Once things really got rolling, I didn't have time to snap photos of all the dear friends who showed up!  You'll have to take our word for it!

(Below)  Jyll Hearn (mommy of three boys, one from Taiwan) represented Blessings Unlimited.

Our classmate, Shawna Bivins, represented 31 Gifts...

Friend from church, Hilary Fiskeaux, represented Mary Kay...

Bethany Wells (soon to be momma of a little boy from Ethiopia) represented Stampin' Up..

Jennifer DuBois heard about the fundraiser through a friend-of-a-friend and represented Pampered Chef...

Myra's friend, Beverly, who also supported the Kinnell's fundraiser, set up a table for Premier Jewelry!

Tammy brought all kinds of yard games, sidewalk chalk, and buckets and shovels and kept the kids happy for hours!!

Nathan (joking) said our only problem was providing childcare -- it made the ladies stay a long time visiting!  What???  Nooooo.  We wouldn't just stand and visit when we could without interruption! ;-)

If you would like to participate, each of the ladies will continue taking orders through May 31.  Click on the links below to view catalogs and place orders and thank the ladies for being so generous!  AND whatever proceeds they generate, those will be matched by Lifesong for Orphans!  Double score!

Thirty-one Gifts
Shawna Bivins

Pampered Chef
Jennifer DuBois
Use "Tammy Williams" for your hostesses name
(cell) 573-433-4892
(home) 859-368-7611
Host a show and mention Tammy's name and contribute an extra $10

Premier Jewelry
50% of product price goes to the Williams' fund, which is then doubled by Lifesong
This is an amazing return for your purchase!
Contact Beverly Parker

Blessings Unlimited
Jyll C Hearn
(peruse the catalog online, then call or e-mail Jyll with your order).

Mary Kay
Hilary Fiskeaux

Stampin' Up
Bethany Wells

In lieu of shopping, gifts (which will be matched) may be sent directly to:

Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40
Gridley, IL 61744 (note on your check memo: Williams, Bryan #2639 Adoption)

UPDATE:  Thanks to Lifesong's Matching Grant, over $1,000 was raised to cover the rest of their agency fees and some of the immigration fees!


Nicole Renée said...

What a FANTASTIC idea! Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! Can't wait to hear how much was raised to bring that little treasure home!

Amy said...

Great post. Wish I could have stayed longer that night.