

Happy Birthday, my sweet Ellie girl!

Dear Ellie,
Happy Birthday, girlie! I can't believe you are a big 6 year old! You are growing up so fast! I greet this birthday a little bittersweet because you are entering a new phase in life. Your legs are getting longer and it's more rare to pick you up and feel your arms around my neck and legs around my waist.  Yes, to answer your question, 'Am I growing up?' you are!  You need me less and less in taking care of yourself (which is a good and necessary thing) but it has been my joy to care for you in these ways.

This past year as a 5 year old was a big one! Not only did you get to visit your birth country, but you became a big sister.  Not that I didn't love your brother or was excited that he was coming home with us, but I was a little sad at first that our family of three was going to change and I didn't know how it was going to change you, for better or worse.  I must say I have been SO, so proud of you.  You have been the best big sister -- you exceeded my expectations and then some.  I love your tender heart and how you try to help your brother and keep him safe. My heart melts to watch you both wrestle on the floor and dissolve in giggles.

This year you started all day Kindergarten at a new school.  We saw you touch the hearts of your teachers in a big way.  Many a day they told us with smiles on their faces how you would tell them you loved them. We could tell it meant so much.  In fact, at the end of the year your teacher started crying that you were leaving her class.  They (and we) were SO proud of your progress!  You learned lower case letters, addition and subtraction, and could now write your own name!

Before the end of your fifth year you would also make great strides in eating more of your food without any help, and eating a a wider variety of kinds of foods.  You started asking ALL kinds of questions this year. Why does this happen? What is that called? With each question we could see how your mind was growing and taking in the world around you in new ways.  One of my favorite questions is when you ask, "How do you say __________ in Albanian?"  Your fellow Albanians would be so proud!

This past year we worked a lot on understanding the difference between friends and strangers.  I appreciate that you are not shy and that you can easily start a conversation with people you don't know. Our life at the center has been full of meeting new people all the time, and for the most part, they are "safe".  Perhaps this is part of why you feel so at ease with people you don't know. I can tell that when you start a chat with someone (like that lady in the elevator last week with a broken wrist) that people enjoy talking with you -- your conversations are so unexpected and I think they enjoy talking with kids your age because it is so rare for your friends to engage with new people.

God has given you a mind that sees the world a bit differently than the rest of us. While sometimes it is a challenge because it occasionally takes time for us to see things from your point of view, it also brings us unexpected laughter. One of my current favorite ways of you expressing yourself is when I tell you 'I love you' and you respond with the question, "Do you have a giant heart popping out of your head?" [like in the classic cartoons]  You love to be silly and make others laugh and smile. Perhaps your sense of humor will be a big part of how you endear yourself to others, as you endear yourself deeper and deeper into my heart.

Ellie, I am so, so happy to be your mommy.  I thank God every day for the gift of your life. I don't know if you'll ever understand what a gift you are.  I can't help but think that there is another woman on the other side of the world who is also remembering today and wondering about her baby girl.  I pray for her and that she might receive healing in her heart for her loss of you.  She was so brave to make a  plan for you, even before you were born, that someone (us) could adopt you and bring you into our home.

Right now you are snoring in bed beside me.  This past year it has been a challenge for you to sleep all the night through in your room and we have indulged your need to be close.  Daddy thought a reward system for staying in your own room til morning would be a good thing.  We told you that with 5 stars you could buy a new game for the iPad.  About an hour after I thought you had gone to sleep last night, I heard you crying, quite upset in your room.  When I came in you told me through tears, "Two stars is enough.  I don't need five!"

Well, Els, the sun has been up.  I hear your brother chattering in his crib.  Your birthday day is about to begin!  Never doubt the special girl that you are.  Thank you for loving us back and teaching us so much.
You have our hearts.


Doreen Nixon said...

What a beautiful tribute to a very very special little girl - Happy Birthday Ellie you are truly a gift from God - Be Blessed and be Happy always you are such a Blessing to all who know you and love you.

Kjernald Family Adventures said...

Happy Birthday special, wonderful, beautiful, laugh making Ellie. We miss you and hope you had a wonderful birthday.

Sam, his mommy, daddy and brother.

Rebecca W said...

What a beauitul post of love written for you Ellie! Ellie you have most certainly touched the lives of you mom and dad in incredible ways and are truly loved by each of your extended family members!

Happy Birtday a little late,

Aunt Rebecca