

Odds and Ends

I don't know where the time goes.  I have some photos and video from Ellie's birthday that need to get posted here, but I'm having major computer aversion right now.

I did get online long enough to see this:  an online auction to help our friends, the Rascos, bring baby Joshua home.  Their adoption has been finalized and now have just one more trip to Russia to go get him.
Click here  to view and bid for items up for sale.

Also, my cousin Dallas and his wife, Amanda, leave on the 29th to bring Max home from Thailand!  It's been a LONG process, but we are glad to see the end very close in sight.  I know they would appreciate your prayers!

On a slightly different note, in therapy yesterday Reni stood up unassisted, in the middle of the room (e.g. bent over to pick up a toy and stood back up without using any furniture or assistive device) 20 out of 24 times in his prosthetics!  WOW!  Our boy is getting strong!  Around the house we're trying to put him in his "legs" now and just let him be to see how he does.  Of course, we're never far, but we think he's probably capable of more than we give him credit for and if we hover too close, he won't become more independent.  He's just doing great and we're so glad that he still enjoys his new legs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much!! It means a lot!